Lemma 14.31.6. Let X be a simplicial group. Then X is a Kan complex.
Proof. The following proof is basically just a translation into English of the proof in the reference mentioned above. Using the terminology as explained in the introduction to this section, suppose f : \Lambda _ k[n] \to X is a morphism from a horn. Set x_ i = f(\sigma _ i) \in X_{n - 1} for i = 0, \ldots , \hat k, \ldots , n. This means that for i < j we have d_ i x_ j = d_{j - 1} x_ i whenever i, j \not= k. We have to find an x \in X_ n such that x_ i = d_ ix for i = 0, \ldots , \hat k, \ldots , n.
We first prove there exists a u \in X_ n such that d_ i u = x_ i for i < k. This is trivial for k = 0. If k > 0, one defines by induction an element u^ r \in X_ n such that d_ i u^ r = x_ i for 0 \leq i \leq r. Start with u^0 = s_0x_0. If r < k - 1, we set
An easy calculation shows that d_ iy^ r = 1 (unit element of the group X_{n - 1}) for i \leq r and d_{r + 1}y^ r = (d_{r + 1}u^ r)^{-1}x_{r + 1}. It follows that d_ iu^{r + 1} = x_ i for i \leq r + 1. Finally, take u = u^{k - 1} to get u as promised.
Next we prove, by induction on the integer r, 0 \leq r \leq n - k, there exists a x^ r \in X_ n such that
Start with x^0 = u for r = 0. Having defined x^ r for r \leq n - k - 1 we set
A simple calculation, using the given relations, shows that d_ iz^ r = 1 for i < k and i > n - r and that d_{n - r}(z^ r) = (d_{n - r}x^ r)^{-1}x_{n - r}. It follows that d_ ix^{r + 1} = x_ i for i < k and i > n - r - 1. Finally, we take x = x^{n - k} which finishes the proof. \square
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