Lemma 14.23.3. Let \mathcal{A} be an abelian category. Let A be an object of \mathcal{A} and let k be an integer. We have H_ i(s(K(A, k))) = A if i = k and 0 else.
Proof. First, let us prove this if k = 0. In this case we have K(A, 0)_ n = A for all n. Furthermore, all the maps in this simplicial abelian group are \text{id}_ A, in other words K(A, 0) is the constant simplicial object with value A. The boundary maps d_ n = \sum _{i = 0}^ n (-1)^ i \text{id}_ A = 0 if n odd and = \text{id}_ A if n is even. Thus s(K(A, 0)) looks like this
and the result is clear.
Next, we prove the result for all k by induction. Given the result for k consider the short exact sequence
from Lemma 14.22.4. By Lemma 14.22.1 the associated sequence of chain complexes is exact. By Lemma 14.23.2 we see that s(E) is acyclic. Hence the result for k + 1 follows from the long exact sequence of homology, see Homology, Lemma 12.13.6. \square
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