Lemma 14.21.2. Let \mathcal{C} be a category. Let U be an m-truncated simplicial object of \mathcal{C}. For any n \leq m the colimit
\mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits _{([n]/\Delta )_{\leq m}^{opp}} U(n)
exists and is equal to U_ n.
Lemma 14.21.2. Let \mathcal{C} be a category. Let U be an m-truncated simplicial object of \mathcal{C}. For any n \leq m the colimit
exists and is equal to U_ n.
Proof. This is so because the category ([n]/\Delta )_{\leq m} has an initial object, namely \text{id} : [n] \to [n]. \square
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