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14.32 A homotopy equivalence

Suppose that A, B are sets, and that f : A \to B is a map. Consider the associated map of simplicial sets

\xymatrix{ \text{cosk}_0(A) \ar@{=}[r] & \Big(\ldots A \times A \times A \ar[d] \ar@<2ex>[r] \ar@<0ex>[r] \ar@<-2ex>[r] & A \times A \ar[d] \ar@<1ex>[r] \ar@<-1ex>[r] \ar@<1ex>[l] \ar@<-1ex>[l] & A \Big) \ar[d] \ar@<0ex>[l] \\ \text{cosk}_0(B) \ar@{=}[r] & \Big( \ldots B \times B \times B \ar@<2ex>[r] \ar@<0ex>[r] \ar@<-2ex>[r] & B \times B \ar@<1ex>[r] \ar@<-1ex>[r] \ar@<1ex>[l] \ar@<-1ex>[l] & B \Big) \ar@<0ex>[l] }

See Example 14.19.1. The case n = 0 of the following lemma says that this map of simplicial sets is a trivial Kan fibration if f is surjective.

Lemma 14.32.1. Let f : V \to U be a morphism of simplicial sets. Let n \geq 0 be an integer. Assume

  1. The map f_ i : V_ i \to U_ i is a bijection for i < n.

  2. The map f_ n : V_ n \to U_ n is a surjection.

  3. The canonical morphism U \to \text{cosk}_ n \text{sk}_ n U is an isomorphism.

  4. The canonical morphism V \to \text{cosk}_ n \text{sk}_ n V is an isomorphism.

Then f is a trivial Kan fibration.

Proof. Consider a solid diagram

\xymatrix{ \partial \Delta [k] \ar[r] \ar[d] & V \ar[d] \\ \Delta [k] \ar[r] \ar@{-->}[ru] & U }

as in Definition 14.30.1. Let x \in U_ k be the k-simplex corresponding to the lower horizontal arrow. If k \leq n then the dotted arrow is the one corresponding to a lift y \in V_ k of x; the diagram will commute as the other nondegenerate simplices of \Delta [k] are in degrees < k where f is an isomorphism. If k > n, then by conditions (3) and (4) we have (using adjointness of skeleton and coskeleton functors)

\mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits (\Delta [k], U) = \mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits (\text{sk}_ n\Delta [k], \text{sk}_ nU) = \mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits (\text{sk}_ n\partial \Delta [k], \text{sk}_ nU) = \mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits (\partial \Delta [k], U)

and similarly for V because \text{sk}_ n\Delta [k] = \text{sk}_ n\partial \Delta [k] for k > n. Thus we obtain a unique dotted arrow fitting into the diagram in this case also. \square

Let A, B be sets. Let f^0, f^1 : A \to B be maps of sets. Consider the induced maps f^0, f^1 : \text{cosk}_0(A) \to \text{cosk}_0(B) abusively denoted by the same symbols. The following lemma for n = 0 says that f^0 is homotopic to f^1. In fact, there is a homotopy h : \text{cosk}_0(A) \times \Delta [1] \to \text{cosk}_0(A) from f^0 to f^1 with components

\begin{eqnarray*} h_ m : A \times \ldots \times A \times \mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits _{\Delta }([m], [1]) & \longrightarrow & B \times \ldots \times B, \\ (a_0, \ldots , a_ m, \alpha ) & \longmapsto & (f^{\alpha (0)}(a_0), \ldots , f^{\alpha (m)}(a_ m)) \end{eqnarray*}

To check that this works, note that for a map \varphi : [k] \to [m] the induced maps are (a_0, \ldots , a_ m) \mapsto (a_{\varphi (0)}, \ldots , a_{\varphi (k)}) and \alpha \mapsto \alpha \circ \varphi . Thus h = (h_ m)_{m \geq 0} is clearly a map of simplicial sets as desired.

Lemma 14.32.2. Let f^0, f^1 : V \to U be maps of simplicial sets. Let n \geq 0 be an integer. Assume

  1. The maps f^ j_ i : V_ i \to U_ i, j = 0, 1 are equal for i < n.

  2. The canonical morphism U \to \text{cosk}_ n \text{sk}_ n U is an isomorphism.

  3. The canonical morphism V \to \text{cosk}_ n \text{sk}_ n V is an isomorphism.

Then f^0 is homotopic to f^1.

First proof. Let W be the n-truncated simplicial set with W_ i = U_ i for i < n and W_ n = U_ n / \sim where \sim is the equivalence relation generated by f^0(y) \sim f^1(y) for y \in V_ n. This makes sense as the morphisms U(\varphi ) : U_ n \to U_ i corresponding to \varphi : [i] \to [n] for i < n factor through the quotient map U_ n \to W_ n because f^0 and f^1 are morphisms of simplicial sets and equal in degrees < n. Next, we upgrade W to a simplicial set by taking \text{cosk}_ n W. By Lemma 14.32.1 the morphism g : U \to W is a trivial Kan fibration. Observe that g \circ f^0 = g \circ f^1 by construction and denote this morphism f : V \to W. Consider the diagram

\xymatrix{ \partial \Delta [1] \times V \ar[rr]_{f^0, f^1} \ar[d] & & U \ar[d] \\ \Delta [1] \times V \ar[rr]^ f \ar@{-->}[rru] & & W }

By Lemma 14.30.2 the dotted arrow exists and the proof is done. \square

Second proof. We have to construct a morphism of simplicial sets h : V \times \Delta [1] \to U which recovers f^ i on composing with e_ i. The case n = 0 was dealt with above the lemma. Thus we may assume that n \geq 1. The map \Delta [1] \to \text{cosk}_1 \text{sk}_1 \Delta [1] is an isomorphism, see Lemma 14.19.15. Thus we see that \Delta [1] \to \text{cosk}_ n \text{sk}_ n \Delta [1] is an isomorphism as n \geq 1, see Lemma 14.19.10. And hence V \times \Delta [1] \to \text{cosk}_ n \text{sk}_ n (V \times \Delta [1]) is an isomorphism too, see Lemma 14.19.12. In other words, in order to construct the homotopy it suffices to construct a suitable morphism of n-truncated simplicial sets h : \text{sk}_ n V \times \text{sk}_ n \Delta [1] \to \text{sk}_ n U.

For k = 0, \ldots , n - 1 we define h_ k by the formula h_ k(v, \alpha ) = f^0(v) = f^1(v). The map h_ n : V_ n \times \mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits _{\Delta }([k], [1]) \to U_ n is defined as follows. Pick v \in V_ n and \alpha : [n] \to [1]:

  1. If \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(\alpha ) = \{ 0\} , then we set h_ n(v, \alpha ) = f^0(v).

  2. If \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(\alpha ) = \{ 0, 1\} , then we set h_ n(v, \alpha ) = f^0(v).

  3. If \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(\alpha ) = \{ 1\} , then we set h_ n(v, \alpha ) = f^1(v).

Let \varphi : [k] \to [l] be a morphism of \Delta _{\leq n}. We will show that the diagram

\xymatrix{ V_{l} \times \mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits ([l], [1]) \ar[r] \ar[d] & U_{l} \ar[d] \\ V_{k} \times \mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits ([k], [1]) \ar[r] & U_{k} }

commutes. Pick v \in V_{l} and \alpha : [l] \to [1]. The commutativity means that

h_ k(V(\varphi )(v), \alpha \circ \varphi ) = U(\varphi )(h_ l(v, \alpha )).

In almost every case this holds because h_ k(V(\varphi )(v), \alpha \circ \varphi ) = f^0(V(\varphi )(v)) and U(\varphi )(h_ l(v, \alpha )) = U(\varphi )(f^0(v)), combined with the fact that f^0 is a morphism of simplicial sets. The only cases where this does not hold is when either (A) \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(\alpha ) = \{ 1\} and l = n or (B) \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(\alpha \circ \varphi ) = \{ 1\} and k = n. Observe moreover that necessarily f^0(v) = f^1(v) for any degenerate n-simplex of V. Thus we can narrow the cases above down even further to the cases (A) \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(\alpha ) = \{ 1\} , l = n and v nondegenerate, and (B) \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(\alpha \circ \varphi ) = \{ 1\} , k = n and V(\varphi )(v) nondegenerate.

In case (A), we see that also \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(\alpha \circ \varphi ) = \{ 1\} . Hence we see that not only h_ l(v, \alpha ) = f^1(v) but also h_ k(V(\varphi )(v), \alpha \circ \varphi ) = f^1(V(\varphi )(v)). Thus we see that the relation holds because f^1 is a morphism of simplicial sets.

In case (B) we conclude that l = k = n and \varphi is bijective, since otherwise V(\varphi )(v) is degenerate. Thus \varphi = \text{id}_{[n]}, which is a trivial case. \square

Lemma 14.32.3. Let A, B be sets, and that f : A \to B is a map. Consider the simplicial set U with n-simplices

A \times _ B A \times _ B \ldots \times _ B A\ (n + 1 \text{ factors)}.

see Example 14.3.5. If f is surjective, the morphism U \to B where B indicates the constant simplicial set with value B is a trivial Kan fibration.

Proof. Observe that U fits into a cartesian square

\xymatrix{ U \ar[d] \ar[r] & \text{cosk}_0(A) \ar[d] \\ B \ar[r] & \text{cosk}_0(B) }

Since the right vertical arrow is a trivial Kan fibration by Lemma 14.32.1, so is the left by Lemma 14.30.3. \square

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