Example 14.19.1. Suppose the category $\mathcal{C}$ has finite nonempty self products. A $0$-truncated simplicial object of $\mathcal{C}$ is the same as an object $X$ of $\mathcal{C}$. In this case we claim that $\text{cosk}_0(X)$ is the simplicial object $U$ with $U_ n = X^{n + 1}$ the $(n + 1)$-fold self product of $X$, and structure of simplicial object as in Example 14.3.5. Namely, a morphism $V \to U$ where $V$ is a simplicial object is given by morphisms $V_ n \to X^{n + 1}$, such that all the diagrams
commute. Clearly this means that the map determines and is determined by a unique morphism $V_0 \to X$. This proves that formula ( holds.
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