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14.29 More homotopies in abelian categories

Let \mathcal{A} be an abelian category. In this section we show that a homotopy between morphisms in \text{Ch}_{\geq 0}(\mathcal{A}) always comes from a morphism U \times \Delta [1] \to V in the category of simplicial objects. In some sense this will provide a converse to Lemma 14.27.1. We first develop some material on homotopies between morphisms of chain complexes.

Lemma 14.29.1. Let \mathcal{A} be an abelian category. Let A be a chain complex. Consider the covariant functor

B \longmapsto \{ (a, b, h) \mid a, b : A \to B\text{ and }h\text{ a homotopy between }a, b \}

There exists a chain complex \diamond A such that \mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits _{\text{Ch}(\mathcal{A})}(\diamond A, -) is isomorphic to the displayed functor. The construction A \mapsto \diamond A is functorial.

Proof. We set \diamond A_ n = A_ n \oplus A_ n \oplus A_{n - 1}, and we define d_{\diamond A, n} by the matrix

d_{\diamond A, n} = \left( \begin{matrix} d_{A, n} & 0 & \text{id}_{A_{n - 1}} \\ 0 & d_{A, n} & -\text{id}_{A_{n - 1}} \\ 0 & 0 & -d_{A, n - 1} \end{matrix} \right) : A_ n \oplus A_ n \oplus A_{n - 1} \to A_{n - 1} \oplus A_{n - 1} \oplus A_{n - 2}

If \mathcal{A} is the category of abelian groups, and (x, y, z) \in A_ n \oplus A_ n \oplus A_{n - 1} then d_{\diamond A, n}(x, y, z) = (d_ n(x) + z, d_ n(y) - z, -d_{n - 1}(z)). It is easy to verify that d^2 = 0. Clearly, there are two maps \diamond a, \diamond b : A \to \diamond A (first summand and second summand), and a map \diamond A \to A[-1] which give a short exact sequence

0 \to A \oplus A \to \diamond A \to A[-1] \to 0

which is termwise split. Moreover, there is a sequence of maps \diamond h_ n : A_ n \to \diamond A_{n + 1}, namely the identity from A_ n to the summand A_ n of \diamond A_{n + 1}, such that \diamond h is a homotopy between \diamond a and \diamond b.

We conclude that any morphism f : \diamond A \to B gives rise to a triple (a, b, h) by setting a = f \circ \diamond a, b = f \circ \diamond b and h_ n = f_{n + 1} \circ \diamond h_ n. Conversely, given a triple (a, b, h) we get a morphism f : \diamond A \to B by taking

f_ n = (a_ n, b_ n, h_{n - 1}).

To see that this is a morphism of chain complexes you have to do a calculation. We only do this in case \mathcal{A} is the category of abelian groups: Say (x, y, z) \in \diamond A_ n = A_ n \oplus A_ n \oplus A_{n - 1}. Then

\begin{eqnarray*} f_{n - 1}(d_ n(x, y, z)) & = & f_{n - 1}(d_ n(x) + z, d_ n(y) - z, -d_{n - 1}(z)) \\ & = & a_ n(d_ n(x)) + a_ n(z) + b_ n(d_ n(y)) - b_ n(z) - h_{n - 2}(d_{n - 1}(z)) \end{eqnarray*}


\begin{eqnarray*} d_ n(f_ n(x, y, z) & = & d_ n(a_ n(x) + b_ n(y) + h_{n - 1}(z)) \\ & = & d_ n(a_ n(x)) + d_ n(b_ n(y)) + d_ n(h_{n - 1}(z)) \end{eqnarray*}

which are the same by definition of a homotopy. \square

Note that the extension

0 \to A \oplus A \to \diamond A \to A[-1] \to 0

comes with sections of the morphisms \diamond A_ n \to A[-1]_ n with the property that the associated morphism \delta : A[-1] \to (A \oplus A)[-1], see Homology, Lemma 12.14.4 equals the morphism (1, -1) : A[-1] \to A[-1] \oplus A[-1].

Lemma 14.29.2. Let \mathcal{A} be an abelian category. Let

0 \to A \oplus A \to B \to C \to 0

be a short exact sequence of chain complexes of \mathcal{A}. Suppose given in addition morphisms s_ n : C_ n \to B_ n splitting the associated short exact sequence in degree n. Let \delta (s) : C \to (A \oplus A)[-1] = A[-1] \oplus A[-1] be the associated morphism of complexes, see Homology, Lemma 12.14.4. If \delta (s) factors through the morphism (1, -1) : A[-1] \to A[-1] \oplus A[-1], then there is a unique morphism B \to \diamond A fitting into a commutative diagram

\xymatrix{ 0 \ar[r] & A \oplus A \ar[d] \ar[r] & B \ar[r] \ar[d] & C \ar[d] \ar[r] & 0 \\ 0 \ar[r] & A \oplus A \ar[r] & \diamond A \ar[r] & A[-1] \ar[r] & 0 }

where the vertical maps are compatible with the splittings s_ n and the splittings of \diamond A_ n \to A[-1]_ n as well.

Proof. Denote (p_ n, q_ n) : B_ n \to A_ n \oplus A_ n the morphism \pi _ n of Homology, Lemma 12.14.4. Also write (a, b) : A \oplus A \to B, and r : B \to C for the maps in the short exact sequence. Write the factorization of \delta (s) as \delta (s) = (1, -1) \circ f. This means that p_{n - 1} \circ d_{B, n} \circ s_ n = f_ n, and q_{n - 1} \circ d_{B, n} \circ s_ n = - f_ n, and Set B_ n \to \diamond A_ n = A_ n \oplus A_ n \oplus A_{n - 1} equal to (p_ n, q_ n, f_ n \circ r_ n).

Now we have to check that this actually defines a morphism of complexes. We will only do this in the case of abelian groups. Pick x \in B_ n. Then x = a_ n(x_1) + b_ n(x_2) + s_ n(x_3) and it suffices to show that our definition commutes with differential for each term separately. For the term a_ n(x_1) we have (p_ n, q_ n, f_ n \circ r_ n)(a_ n(x_1)) = (x_1, 0, 0) and the result is obvious. Similarly for the term b_ n(x_2). For the term s_ n(x_3) we have

\begin{eqnarray*} (p_ n, q_ n, f_ n \circ r_ n)(d_ n(s_ n(x_3))) & = & (p_ n, q_ n, f_ n \circ r_ n)( \\ & & \ \ \ \ \ a_ n(f_ n(x_3)) - b_ n(f_ n(x_3)) + s_ n(d_ n(x_3))) \\ & = & (f_ n(x_3), -f_ n(x_3), f_ n(d_ n(x_3))) \end{eqnarray*}

by definition of f_ n. And

\begin{eqnarray*} d_ n(p_ n, q_ n, f_ n \circ r_ n)(s_ n(x_3)) & = & d_ n(0, 0, f_ n(x_3)) \\ & = & (f_ n(x_3), - f_ n(x_3), d_{A[-1], n}(f_ n(x_3))) \end{eqnarray*}

The result follows as f is a morphism of complexes. \square

Lemma 14.29.3. Let \mathcal{A} be an abelian category. Let U, V be simplicial objects of \mathcal{A}. Let a, b : U \to V be a pair of morphisms. Assume the corresponding maps of chain complexes N(a), N(b) : N(U) \to N(V) are homotopic by a homotopy \{ N_ n : N(U)_ n \to N(V)_{n + 1}\} . Then there exists a homotopy from a to b as in Definition 14.26.1. Moreover, one can choose the homotopy h : U \times \Delta [1] \to V such that N_ n = N(h)_ n where N(h) is the homotopy coming from h as in Section 14.27.

Proof. Let (\diamond N(U), \diamond a, \diamond b, \diamond h) be as in Lemma 14.29.1 and its proof. By that lemma there exists a morphism \diamond N(U) \to N(V) representing the triple (N(a), N(b), \{ N_ n\} ). We will show there exists a morphism \psi : N(U \times \Delta [1]) \to \diamond {N(U)} such that \diamond a = \psi \circ N(e_0), and \diamond b = \psi \circ N(e_1). Moreover, we will show that the homotopy between N(e_0), N(e_1) : N(U) \to N(U \times \Delta [1]) coming from ( and Lemma 14.27.1 with h = \text{id}_{U \times \Delta [1]} is mapped via \psi to the canonical homotopy \diamond h between the two maps \diamond a, \diamond b : N(U) \to \diamond {N(U)}. Certainly this will imply the lemma.

Note that N : \text{Simp}(\mathcal{A}) \to \text{Ch}_{\geq 0}(\mathcal{A}) as a functor is a direct summand of the functor s : \text{Simp}(\mathcal{A}) \to \text{Ch}_{\geq 0}(\mathcal{A}). Also, the functor \diamond is compatible with direct sums. Thus it suffices instead to construct a morphism \Psi : s(U \times \Delta [1]) \to \diamond {s(U)} with the corresponding properties. This is what we do below.

By Definition 14.26.1 the morphisms e_0 : U \to U \times \Delta [1] and e_1 : U \to U \times \Delta [1] are homotopic with homotopy \text{id}_{U \times \Delta [1]}. By Lemma 14.27.1 we get an explicit homotopy \{ h_ n : s(U)_ n \to s(U \times \Delta [1])_{n + 1}\} between the morphisms of chain complexes s(e_0) : s(U) \to s(U \times \Delta [1]) and s(e_1) : s(U) \to s(U \times \Delta [1]). By Lemma 14.29.2 above we get a corresponding morphism

\Phi : \diamond {s(U)} \to s(U \times \Delta [1])

According to the construction, \Phi _ n restricted to the summand s(U)[-1]_ n = s(U)_{n - 1} of \diamond {s(U)}_ n is equal to h_{n - 1}. And

h_{n - 1} = \sum \nolimits _{i = 0}^{n - 1} (-1)^{i + 1} s^ n_ i \cdot \alpha ^ n_{i + 1} : U_{n - 1} \to \bigoplus \nolimits _ j U_ n \cdot \alpha ^ n_ j.

with obvious notation.

On the other hand, the morphisms e_ i : U \to U \times \Delta [1] induce a morphism (e_0, e_1) : U \oplus U \to U \times \Delta [1]. Denote W the cokernel. Note that, if we write (U \times \Delta [1])_ n = \bigoplus _{\alpha : [n] \to [1]} U_ n \cdot \alpha , then we may identify W_ n = \bigoplus _{i = 1}^ n U_ n \cdot \alpha ^ n_ i with \alpha ^ n_ i as in Section 14.26. We have a commutative diagram

\xymatrix{ 0 \ar[r] & U \oplus U \ar[rd]_{(1, 1)} \ar[r] & U \times \Delta [1] \ar[d]^\pi \ar[r] & W \ar[r] & 0 \\ & & U & & }

This implies we have a similar commutative diagram after applying the functor s. Next, we choose the splittings \sigma _ n : s(W)_ n \to s(U \times \Delta [1])_ n by mapping the summand U_ n \cdot \alpha ^ n_ i \subset W_ n via (-1, 1) to the summands U_ n \cdot \alpha ^ n_0 \oplus U_ n \cdot \alpha ^ n_ i \subset (U \times \Delta [1])_ n. Note that s(\pi )_ n \circ \sigma _ n = 0. It follows that (1, 1) \circ \delta (\sigma )_ n = 0. Hence \delta (\sigma ) factors as in Lemma 14.29.2. By that lemma we obtain a canonical morphism \Psi : s(U \times \Delta [1]) \to \diamond {s(U)}.

To compute \Psi we first compute the morphism \delta (\sigma ) : s(W) \to s(U)[-1] \oplus s(U)[-1]. According to Homology, Lemma 12.14.4 and its proof, to do this we have compute

d_{s(U \times \delta [1]), n} \circ \sigma _ n - \sigma _{n - 1} \circ d_{s(W), n}

and write it as a morphism into U_{n - 1} \cdot \alpha ^{n - 1}_0 \oplus U_{n - 1} \cdot \alpha ^{n - 1}_ n. We only do this in case \mathcal{A} is the category of abelian groups. We use the short hand notation x_{\alpha } for x \in U_ n to denote the element x in the summand U_ n \cdot \alpha of (U \times \Delta [1])_ n. Recall that

d_{s(U \times \delta [1]), n} = \sum \nolimits _{i = 0}^ n (-1)^ i d^ n_ i

where d^ n_ i maps the summand U_ n \cdot \alpha to the summand U_{n - 1} \cdot (\alpha \circ \delta ^ n_ i) via the morphism d^ n_ i of the simplicial object U. In terms of the notation above this means

d_{s(U \times \delta [1]), n}(x_\alpha ) = \sum \nolimits _{i = 0}^ n (-1)^ i (d^ n_ i(x))_{\alpha \circ \delta ^ n_ i}

Starting with x_\alpha \in W_ n, in other words \alpha = \alpha ^ n_ j for some j \in \{ 1, \ldots , n\} , we see that \sigma _ n(x_\alpha ) = x_\alpha - x_{\alpha ^ n_0} and hence

(d_{s(U \times \delta [1]), n} \circ \sigma _ n)(x_\alpha ) = \sum \nolimits _{i = 0}^ n (-1)^ i (d^ n_ i(x))_{\alpha \circ \delta ^ n_ i} - \sum \nolimits _{i = 0}^ n (-1)^ i (d^ n_ i(x))_{\alpha ^ n_0 \circ \delta ^ n_ i}

To compute d_{s(W), n}(x_\alpha ), we have to omit all terms where \alpha \circ \delta ^ n_ i = \alpha ^{n - 1}_0, \alpha ^{n - 1}_ n. Hence we get

\begin{matrix} (\sigma _{n - 1} \circ d_{s(W), n})(x_\alpha ) = \\ \sum \nolimits _{i = 0, \ldots , n\text{ and } \alpha \circ \delta ^ n_ i \not= \alpha ^{n - 1}_0\text{ or }\alpha ^{n - 1}_ n} \Big((-1)^ i (d^ n_ i(x))_{\alpha \circ \delta ^ n_ i} - (-1)^ i (d^ n_ i(x))_{\alpha ^{n - 1}_0} \Big) \end{matrix}

Clearly the difference of the two terms is the sum

\sum \nolimits _{i = 0, \ldots , n\text{ and } \alpha \circ \delta ^ n_ i = \alpha ^{n - 1}_0\text{ or }\alpha ^{n - 1}_ n} \Big((-1)^ i (d^ n_ i(x))_{\alpha \circ \delta ^ n_ i} - (-1)^ i (d^ n_ i(x))_{\alpha ^{n - 1}_0} \Big)

Of course, if \alpha \circ \delta ^ n_ i = \alpha ^{n - 1}_0 then the term drops out. Recall that \alpha = \alpha ^ n_ j for some j \in \{ 1, \ldots , n\} . The only way \alpha ^ n_ j \circ \delta ^ n_ i = \alpha ^{n - 1}_ n is if j = n and i = n. Thus we actually get 0 unless j = n and in that case we get (-1)^ n(d^ n_ n(x))_{\alpha ^{n - 1}_ n} - (-1)^ n(d^ n_ n(x))_{\alpha ^{n - 1}_0}. In other words, we conclude the morphism

\delta (\sigma )_ n : W_ n \to (s(U)[-1] \oplus s(U)[-1])_ n = U_{n - 1} \oplus U_{n - 1}

is zero on all summands except U_ n \cdot \alpha ^ n_ n and on that summand it is equal to ((-1)^ nd^ n_ n, -(-1)^ nd^ n_ n). (Namely, the first summand of the two corresponds to the factor with \alpha ^{n - 1}_ n because that is the map [n - 1] \to [1] which maps everybody to 0, and hence corresponds to e_0.)

We obtain a canonical diagram

\xymatrix{ 0 \ar[r] & s(U) \oplus s(U) \ar[r] \ar[d] & \diamond {s(U)} \ar[r] \ar[d]^{\Phi }& s(U)[-1] \ar[r] \ar[d] & 0 \\ 0 \ar[r] & s(U) \oplus s(U) \ar[r] \ar[d] & s(U \times \Delta [1]) \ar[r] \ar[d]^\Psi & s(W) \ar[r] \ar[d] & 0 \\ 0 \ar[r] & s(U) \oplus s(U) \ar[r] & \diamond {s(U)} \ar[r] & s(U)[-1] \ar[r] & 0 }

We claim that \Phi \circ \Psi is the identity. To see this it is enough to prove that the composition of \Phi and \delta (\sigma ) as a map s(U)[-1] \to s(W) \to s(U)[-1] \oplus s(U)[-1] is the identity in the first factor and minus identity in the second. By the computations above it is ((-1)^ nd^ n_0, -(-1)^ nd^ n_0) \circ (-1)^ n s^ n_ n = (1, -1) as desired. \square

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