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Lemma 14.17.3. Assume the category \mathcal{C} has coproducts of any two objects and finite limits. Let U be a simplicial set, with U_ n finite nonempty for all n \geq 0. Assume that all n-simplices of U are degenerate for all n \gg 0. Let V be a simplicial object of \mathcal{C}. Then the functor

\begin{eqnarray*} \mathcal{C}^{opp} & \longrightarrow & \textit{Sets} \\ X & \longmapsto & \mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits _{\text{Simp}(\mathcal{C})}(X \times U, V) \end{eqnarray*}

is representable.

Proof. We have to show that the category \mathcal{U} described in the proof of Lemma 14.17.2 has a finite subcategory \mathcal{U}' such that the limit of \mathcal{V} over \mathcal{U}' is the same as the limit of \mathcal{V} over \mathcal{U}. We will use Categories, Lemma 4.17.4. For m > 0 let \mathcal{U}_{\leq m} denote the full subcategory with objects \coprod _{0 \leq n \leq m} U_ m. Let m_0 be an integer such that every n-simplex of the simplicial set U is degenerate if n > m_0. For any m \geq m_0 large enough, the subcategory \mathcal{U}_{\leq m} satisfies property (1) of Categories, Definition 4.17.3.

Suppose that u \in U_ n and u' \in U_{n'} with n, n' \leq m_0 and suppose that \varphi : [k] \to [n], \varphi ' : [k] \to [n'] are morphisms such that U(\varphi )(u) = U(\varphi ')(u'). A simple combinatorial argument shows that if k > 2m_0, then there exists an index 0 \leq i \leq 2m_0 such that \varphi (i) =\varphi (i + 1) and \varphi '(i) = \varphi '(i + 1). (The pigeon hole principle would tell you this works if k > m_0^2 which is good enough for the argument below anyways.) Hence, if k > 2m_0, we may write \varphi = \psi \circ \sigma ^{k - 1}_ i and \varphi ' = \psi ' \circ \sigma ^{k - 1}_ i for some \psi : [k - 1] \to [n] and some \psi ' : [k - 1] \to [n']. Since s^{k - 1}_ i : U_{k - 1} \to U_ k is injective, see Lemma 14.3.6, we conclude that U(\psi )(u) = U(\psi ')(u') also. Continuing in this fashion we conclude that given morphisms u \to z and u' \to z of \mathcal{U} with u, u' \in \mathcal{U}_{\leq m_0}, there exists a commutative diagram

\xymatrix{ u \ar[rd] \ar[rrd] & & \\ & a \ar[r] & z \\ u' \ar[ru] \ar[rru] }

with a \in \mathcal{U}_{\leq 2m_0}.

It is easy to deduce from this that the finite subcategory \mathcal{U}_{\leq 2m_0} works. Namely, suppose given x' \in U_ n and x'' \in U_{n'} with n, n' \leq 2m_0 as well as morphisms x' \to x and x'' \to x of \mathcal{U} with the same target. By our choice of m_0 we can find objects u, u' of \mathcal{U}_{\leq m_0} and morphisms u \to x', u' \to x''. By the above we can find a \in \mathcal{U}_{\leq 2m_0} and morphisms u \to a, u' \to a such that

\xymatrix{ u \ar[rd] \ar[rrd] \ar[r] & x' \ar[rd] & \\ & a \ar[r] & x \\ u' \ar[ru] \ar[rru] \ar[r] & x'' \ar[ru] & }

is commutative. Turning this diagram 90 degrees clockwise we get the desired diagram as in (2) of Categories, Definition 4.17.3. \square

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