History of tag 01BV
Go back to the tag's page.
type |
time |
link |
changed the statement
2014-05-05 |
f5b78cf |
\text{Coh} -> \textit{Coh}
changed the statement
2009-10-05 |
1764ce1 |
Modules on Sites: Somewhat satisfactory explanation of local properties
of modules
There are several improvements that can be made here, but for
the moment this is OK. In particular what is the correct version
of the relationship between localization and morphisms of
sites? Is it just completely general?
modified: descent.tex
modified: modules.tex
modified: sites-modules.tex
modified: sites.tex
modified: tags/tags
assigned tag 01BV
2009-05-16 |
Started tags infrastructure
new file: scripts/add_tags.py
modified: scripts/functions.py
new file: tags/initial_tags
new file: tags/tags
changed the statement
2009-05-15 |
497ce80 |
Changed the index to at least have an alphabetized list of terms defined
in the project. Thanks Cathy!
modified: algebra.tex
modified: categories.tex
modified: constructions.tex
modified: exercises.tex
modified: fpqc-descent.tex
modified: groupoids.tex
modified: homology.tex
modified: hypercovering.tex
modified: modules.tex
modified: morphisms.tex
modified: properties.tex
modified: schemes.tex
modified: scripts/functions.py
modified: scripts/make_index.py
modified: sheaves.tex
modified: simplicial.tex
modified: sites.tex
modified: spaces.tex
modified: topology.tex
changed the statement
2008-12-10 |
c358fee |
Push forward quasi-coherent somtimes quasi-coherent
modified: modules.tex
modified: schemes.tex
created statement with label definition-coherent in modules.tex
2008-11-23 |
4209bae |
Introduced various notions on sheaves of modules
modified: modules.tex
modified: sheaves.tex
modified: topology.tex