Exercise 111.1.1. Let A be a ring, and {\mathfrak m} a maximal ideal. In A[X] let \tilde{\mathfrak m}_1 = ({\mathfrak m}, X) and \tilde{\mathfrak m}_2 = ({\mathfrak m}, X-1). Show that
111.1 Algebra
This first section just contains some assorted questions.
Exercise 111.1.2. Find an example of a non Noetherian ring R such that every finitely generated ideal of R is finitely presented as an R-module. (A ring is said to be coherent if the last property holds.)
Exercise 111.1.3. Suppose that (A, {\mathfrak m}, k) is a Noetherian local ring. For any finite A-module M define r(M) to be the minimum number of generators of M as an A-module. This number equals \dim _ k M/{\mathfrak m} M = \dim _ k M \otimes _ A k by NAK.
Show that r(M \otimes _ A N) = r(M)r(N).
Let I\subset A be an ideal with r(I) > 1. Show that r(I^2) < r(I)^2.
Conclude that if every ideal in A is a flat module, then A is a PID (or a field).
Exercise 111.1.4. Let k be a field. Show that the following pairs of k-algebras are not isomorphic:
k[x_1, \ldots , x_ n] and k[x_1, \ldots , x_{n + 1}] for any n\geq 1.
k[a, b, c, d, e, f]/(ab + cd + ef) and k[x_1, \ldots , x_ n] for n = 5.
k[a, b, c, d, e, f]/(ab + cd + ef) and k[x_1, \ldots , x_ n] for n = 6.
Remark 111.1.5. Of course the idea of this exercise is to find a simple argument in each case rather than applying a “big” theorem. Nonetheless it is good to be guided by general principles.
Exercise 111.1.6. Algebra. (Silly and should be easy.)
Give an example of a ring A and a nonsplit short exact sequence of A-modules
0 \to M_1 \to M_2 \to M_3 \to 0.Give an example of a nonsplit sequence of A-modules as above and a faithfully flat A \to B such that
0 \to M_1\otimes _ A B \to M_2\otimes _ A B \to M_3\otimes _ A B \to 0.is split as a sequence of B-modules.
Exercise 111.1.7. Suppose that k is a field having a primitive nth root of unity \zeta . This means that \zeta ^ n = 1, but \zeta ^ m\not= 1 for 0 < m < n.
Show that the characteristic of k is prime to n.
Suppose that a \in k is an element of k which is not an dth power in k for any divisor d of n for n \geq d > 1. Show that k[x]/(x^ n-a) is a field. (Hint: Consider a splitting field for x^ n-a and use Galois theory.)
Exercise 111.1.8. Let \nu : k[x]\setminus \{ 0\} \to {\mathbf Z} be a map with the following properties: \nu (fg) = \nu (f) + \nu (g) whenever f, g not zero, and \nu (f + g) \geq min(\nu (f), \nu (g)) whenever f, g, f + g are not zero, and \nu (c) = 0 for all c\in k^*.
Show that if f, g, and f + g are nonzero and \nu (f) \not= \nu (g) then we have equality \nu (f + g) = min(\nu (f), \nu (g)).
Show that if f = \sum a_ i x^ i, f\not= 0, then \nu (f) \geq min(\{ i\nu (x)\} _{a_ i\not= 0}). When does equality hold?
Show that if \nu attains a negative value then \nu (f) = -n \deg (f) for some n\in {\mathbf N}.
Suppose \nu (x) \geq 0. Show that \{ f \mid f = 0, \ or\ \nu (f) > 0\} is a prime ideal of k[x].
Describe all possible \nu .
Let A be a ring. An idempotent is an element e \in A such that e^2 = e. The elements 1 and 0 are always idempotent. A nontrivial idempotent is an idempotent which is not equal to zero. Two idempotents e, e' \in A are called orthogonal if ee' = 0.
Exercise 111.1.9. Let A be a ring. Show that A is a product of two nonzero rings if and only if A has a nontrivial idempotent.
Exercise 111.1.10. Let A be a ring and let I \subset A be a locally nilpotent ideal. Show that the map A \to A/I induces a bijection on idempotents. (Hint: It may be easier to prove this when I is nilpotent. Do this first. Then use “absolute Noetherian reduction” to reduce to the nilpotent case.)
Comments (2)
Comment #8727 by Jim Davis on
Comment #9350 by Stacks project on