Definition 111.26.1. A numerical polynomial is a polynomial f(x) \in {\mathbf Q}[x] such that f(n) \in {\mathbf Z} for every integer n.
111.26 Hilbert functions
Definition 111.26.2. A graded module M over a ring A is an A-module M endowed with a direct sum decomposition \bigoplus \nolimits _{n \in {\mathbf Z}} M_ n into A-submodules. We will say that M is locally finite if all of the M_ n are finite A-modules. Suppose that A is a Noetherian ring and that \varphi is a Euler-Poincaré function on finite A-modules. This means that for every finitely generated A-module M we are given an integer \varphi (M) \in {\mathbf Z} and for every short exact sequence
we have \varphi (M) = \varphi (M') + \varphi (M''). The Hilbert function of a locally finite graded module M (with respect to \varphi ) is the function \chi _\varphi (M, n) = \varphi (M_ n). We say that M has a Hilbert polynomial if there is some numerical polynomial P_\varphi such that \chi _\varphi (M, n) = P_\varphi (n) for all sufficiently large integers n.
Definition 111.26.3. A graded A-algebra is a graded A-module B = \bigoplus _{n \geq 0} B_ n together with an A-bilinear map
that turns B into an A-algebra so that B_ n \cdot B_ m \subset B_{n + m}. Finally, a graded module M over a graded A-algebra B is given by a graded A-module M together with a (compatible) B-module structure such that B_ n \cdot M_ d \subset M_{n + d}. Now you can define homomorphisms of graded modules/rings, graded submodules, graded ideals, exact sequences of graded modules, etc, etc.
Exercise 111.26.4. Let A = k a field. What are all possible Euler-Poincaré functions on finite A-modules in this case?
Exercise 111.26.5. Let A ={\mathbf Z}. What are all possible Euler-Poincaré functions on finite A-modules in this case?
Exercise 111.26.6. Let A = k[x, y]/(xy) with k algebraically closed. What are all possible Euler-Poincaré functions on finite A-modules in this case?
Exercise 111.26.7. Suppose that A is Noetherian. Show that the kernel of a map of locally finite graded A-modules is locally finite.
Exercise 111.26.8. Let k be a field and let A = k and B = k[x, y] with grading determined by \deg (x) = 2 and \deg (y) = 3. Let \varphi (M) = \dim _ k(M). Compute the Hilbert function of B as a graded k-module. Is there a Hilbert polynomial in this case?
Exercise 111.26.9. Let k be a field and let A = k and B = k[x, y]/(x^2, xy) with grading determined by \deg (x) = 2 and \deg (y) = 3. Let \varphi (M) = \dim _ k(M). Compute the Hilbert function of B as a graded k-module. Is there a Hilbert polynomial in this case?
Exercise 111.26.10. Let k be a field and let A = k. Let \varphi (M) = \dim _ k(M). Fix d\in {\mathbf N}. Consider the graded A-algebra B = k[x, y, z]/(x^ d + y^ d + z^ d), where x, y, z each have degree 1. Compute the Hilbert function of B. Is there a Hilbert polynomial in this case?
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