Definition 111.28.1. A Noetherian local ring A is said to be Cohen-Macaulay of dimension d if it has dimension d and there exists a system of parameters x_1, \ldots , x_ d for A such that x_ i is a nonzerodivisor in A/(x_1, \ldots , x_{i-1}) for i = 1, \ldots , d.
111.28 Cohen-Macaulay rings of dimension 1
Exercise 111.28.2. Cohen-Macaulay rings of dimension 1. Part I: Theory.
Let (A, {\mathfrak m}) be a local Noetherian with \dim A = 1. Show that if x\in {\mathfrak m} is not a zerodivisor then
\dim A/xA = 0, in other words A/xA is Artinian, in other words \{ x\} is a system of parameters for A.
A is has no embedded prime.
Conversely, let (A, {\mathfrak m}) be a local Noetherian ring of dimension 1. Show that if A has no embedded prime then there exists a nonzerodivisor in {\mathfrak m}.
Exercise 111.28.3. Cohen-Macaulay rings of dimension 1. Part II: Examples.
Let A be the local ring at (x, y) of k[x, y]/(x^2, xy).
Show that A has dimension 1.
Prove that every element of {\mathfrak m}\subset A is a zerodivisor.
Find z\in {\mathfrak m} such that \dim A/zA = 0 (no proof required).
Let A be the local ring at (x, y) of k[x, y]/(x^2). Find a nonzerodivisor in {\mathfrak m} (no proof required).
Exercise 111.28.4. Local rings of embedding dimension 1. Suppose that (A, {\mathfrak m}, k) is a Noetherian local ring of embedding dimension 1, i.e.,
Show that the function f(n) = \dim _ k {\mathfrak m}^ n/{\mathfrak m}^{n + 1} is either constant with value 1, or its values are
Exercise 111.28.5. Regular local rings of dimension 1. Suppose that (A, {\mathfrak m}, k) is a regular Noetherian local ring of dimension 1. Recall that this means that A has dimension 1 and embedding dimension 1, i.e.,
Let x\in {\mathfrak m} be any element whose class in {\mathfrak m}/{\mathfrak m}^2 is not zero.
Show that for every element y of {\mathfrak m} there exists an integer n such that y can be written as y = ux^ n with u\in A^\ast a unit.
Show that x is a nonzerodivisor in A.
Conclude that A is a domain.
Exercise 111.28.6. Let (A, {\mathfrak m}, k) be a Noetherian local ring with associated graded Gr_{\mathfrak m}(A).
Suppose that x\in {\mathfrak m}^ d maps to a nonzerodivisor \bar x \in {\mathfrak m}^ d/{\mathfrak m}^{d + 1} in degree d of Gr_{\mathfrak m}(A). Show that x is a nonzerodivisor.
Suppose the depth of A is at least 1. Namely, suppose that there exists a nonzerodivisor y \in {\mathfrak m}. In this case we can do better: assume just that x\in {\mathfrak m}^ d maps to the element \bar x \in {\mathfrak m}^ d/{\mathfrak m}^{d + 1} in degree d of Gr_{\mathfrak m}(A) which is a nonzerodivisor on sufficiently high degrees: \exists N such that for all n \geq N the map of multiplication by \bar x
{\mathfrak m}^ n/{\mathfrak m}^{n + 1} \longrightarrow {\mathfrak m}^{n + d}/{\mathfrak m}^{n + d + 1}is injective. Then show that x is a nonzerodivisor.
Exercise 111.28.7. Suppose that (A, {\mathfrak m}, k) is a Noetherian local ring of dimension 1. Assume also that the embedding dimension of A is 2, i.e., assume that
Notation: f(n) = \dim _ k {\mathfrak m}^ n/{\mathfrak m}^{n + 1}. Pick generators x, y \in {\mathfrak m} and write Gr_{\mathfrak m}(A) = k[\bar x, \bar y]/I for some homogeneous ideal I.
Show that there exists a homogeneous element F\in k[\bar x, \bar y] such that I \subset (F) with equality in all sufficiently high degrees.
Show that f(n) \leq n + 1.
Show that if f(n) < n + 1 then n \geq \deg (F).
Show that if f(n) < n + 1, then f(n + 1) \leq f(n).
Show that f(n) = \deg (F) for all n >> 0.
Exercise 111.28.8. Cohen-Macaulay rings of dimension 1 and embedding dimension 2. Suppose that (A, {\mathfrak m}, k) is a Noetherian local ring which is Cohen-Macaulay of dimension 1. Assume also that the embedding dimension of A is 2, i.e., assume that
Notations: f, F, x, y\in {\mathfrak m}, I as in Exercise 111.28.7. Please use any results from the problems above.
Suppose that z\in {\mathfrak m} is an element whose class in {\mathfrak m}/{\mathfrak m}^2 is a linear form \alpha \bar x + \beta \bar y \in k[\bar x, \bar y] which is coprime with F.
Show that z is a nonzerodivisor on A.
Let d = \deg (F). Show that {\mathfrak m}^ n = z^{n + 1-d}{\mathfrak m}^{d-1} for all sufficiently large n. (Hint: First show z^{n + 1-d}{\mathfrak m}^{d-1} \to {\mathfrak m}^ n/{\mathfrak m}^{n + 1} is surjective by what you know about Gr_{\mathfrak m}(A). Then use NAK.)
What condition on k guarantees the existence of such a z? (No proof required; it's too easy.)
Now we are going to assume there exists a z as above. This turns out to be a harmless assumption (in the sense that you can reduce to the situation where it holds in order to obtain the results in parts (d) and (e) below).
Now show that {\mathfrak m}^\ell = z^{\ell - d + 1} {\mathfrak m}^{d-1} for all \ell \geq d.
Conclude that I = (F).
Conclude that the function f has values
2, 3, 4, \ldots , d-1, d, d, d, d, d, d, d, \ldots
Remark 111.28.9. This suggests that a local Noetherian Cohen-Macaulay ring of dimension 1 and embedding dimension 2 is of the form B/FB, where B is a 2-dimensional regular local ring. This is more or less true (under suitable “niceness” properties of the ring).
Comments (2)
Comment #8810 by Samuel Tiersma on
Comment #9278 by Stacks project on