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Remark 5.20.5. Combining Lemmas 5.20.3 and 5.20.4 we see that on a catenary, locally Noetherian, sober topological space the obstruction to having a dimension function is an element of H^1(X, \mathbf{Z}).

Comments (2)

Comment #6770 by Alejandro González Nevado on

Is there a typo in the wording "the obstruction to having a dimension function is an element of"? Is the obstruction itself an element of such set. If so, what is exaclty an "obstruction"? Shouldn't it be defined somewhere?

Comment #6772 by on

Please feel free to ignore this remark; it isn't used in what follows. The phrase "the obstruction ... element of" is not a precise mathematical statement; it is aimed at people who have heard similar phrases in the past. The statement means that given a catenary, locally Noetherian, sober topological space there is an element which is zero if and only if has a dimension function. This is not a terribly useful statement in and of itself: the only thing you can deduce from this is that if then has a dimension function. It gets more interesting if you know how to construct and how it behaves: for example, given an open the image of in by the restriction map is equal to . And so on.

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