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42.8 Cycles

Since we are not assuming our schemes are quasi-compact we have to be a little careful when defining cycles. We have to allow infinite sums because a rational function may have infinitely many poles for example. In any case, if X is quasi-compact then a cycle is a finite sum as usual.

Definition 42.8.1. Let (S, \delta ) be as in Situation 42.7.1. Let X be locally of finite type over S. Let k \in \mathbf{Z}.

  1. A cycle on X is a formal sum

    \alpha = \sum n_ Z [Z]

    where the sum is over integral closed subschemes Z \subset X, each n_ Z \in \mathbf{Z}, and the collection \{ Z; n_ Z \not= 0\} is locally finite (Topology, Definition 5.28.4).

  2. A k-cycle on X is a cycle

    \alpha = \sum n_ Z [Z]

    where n_ Z \not= 0 \Rightarrow \dim _\delta (Z) = k.

  3. The abelian group of all k-cycles on X is denoted Z_ k(X).

In other words, a k-cycle on X is a locally finite formal \mathbf{Z}-linear combination of integral closed subschemes of \delta -dimension k. Addition of k-cycles \alpha = \sum n_ Z[Z] and \beta = \sum m_ Z[Z] is given by

\alpha + \beta = \sum (n_ Z + m_ Z)[Z],

i.e., by adding the coefficients.

Remark 42.8.2. Let (S, \delta ) be as in Situation 42.7.1. Let X be locally of finite type over S. Let k \in \mathbf{Z}. Then we can write

Z_ k(X) = \bigoplus \nolimits _{\delta (x) = k}' K_0^ M(\kappa (x)) \quad \subset \quad \bigoplus \nolimits _{\delta (x) = k} K_0^ M(\kappa (x))

with the following notation and conventions:

  1. K_0^ M(\kappa (x)) = \mathbf{Z} is the degree 0 part of the Milnor K-theory of the residue field \kappa (x) of the point x \in X (see Remark 42.6.4), and

  2. the direct sum on the right is over all points x \in X with \delta (x) = k,

  3. the notation \bigoplus '_ x signifies that we consider the subgroup consisting of locally finite elements; namely, elements \sum _ x n_ x such that for every quasi-compact open U \subset X the set of x \in U with n_ x \not= 0 is finite.

Definition 42.8.3. Let (S, \delta ) be as in Situation 42.7.1. Let X be locally of finite type over S. The support of a cycle \alpha = \sum n_ Z [Z] on X is

\text{Supp}(\alpha ) = \bigcup \nolimits _{n_ Z \not= 0} Z \subset X

Since the collection \{ Z; n_ Z \not= 0\} is locally finite we see that \text{Supp}(\alpha ) is a closed subset of X. If \alpha is a k-cycle, then every irreducible component Z of \text{Supp}(\alpha ) has \delta -dimension k.

Definition 42.8.4. Let (S, \delta ) be as in Situation 42.7.1. Let X be locally of finite type over S. A cycle \alpha on X is effective if it can be written as \alpha =\sum n_ Z [Z] with n_ Z \geq 0 for all Z.

The set of all effective cycles is a monoid because the sum of two effective cycles is effective, but it is not a group (unless X = \emptyset ).

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