Lemma 39.18.1. Let $S$ be a scheme. Let $(U, R, s, t, c)$ be a groupoid scheme over $S$. Let $g : U' \to U$ be a morphism of schemes. Consider the following diagram
where all the squares are fibre product squares. Then there is a canonical composition law $c' : R' \times _{s', U', t'} R' \to R'$ such that $(U', R', s', t', c')$ is a groupoid scheme over $S$ and such that $U' \to U$, $R' \to R$ defines a morphism $(U', R', s', t', c') \to (U, R, s, t, c)$ of groupoid schemes over $S$. Moreover, for any scheme $T$ over $S$ the functor of groupoids
is the restriction (see above) of $(U(T), R(T), s, t, c)$ via the map $U'(T) \to U(T)$.
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