History of tag 02W6
Go back to the tag's page.
type |
time |
link |
changed the statement
2011-08-11 |
f496b59 |
LaTeX: \Sch
Introduced a new macro
and replaced all the occurences of \textit{Sch} with \Sch.
moved the statement to file descent.tex
2009-08-20 |
760ca2e |
Renamed fpqc-descent.tex descent.tex
modified: Makefile
modified: algebraic.tex
modified: browse.html
modified: chapters.tex
renamed: fpqc-descent.tex -> descent.tex
modified: groupoids.tex
modified: more-morphisms.tex
modified: morphisms.tex
modified: preamble.tex
modified: scripts/functions.py
modified: spaces.tex
modified: stacks.tex
modified: tags/Makefile
modified: tags/tags
assigned tag 02W6
2009-07-18 |
Added new tags to stacks project
modified: tags/tags
created statement with label remark-what-product-means in fpqc-descent.tex
2009-07-18 |
ab9f65d |
OK, so finally we have the theorem that any etale equivalence relation
gives rise to an algebraic space
modified: fpqc-descent.tex
modified: more-morphisms.tex
modified: morphisms.tex
modified: schemes.tex
modified: spaces.tex