History of tag 03FY
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changed the proof
2011-06-11 |
2189701 |
Fixes in spaces-properties.tex
We tried to find arguments for some of the previous results in
the quasi-separated case which are easier than the original more
general ones. We only partially succeeded. But on the other
hand, we can in the future keep simplifying this chapter and add
the more involved arguments to the chapter on decent spaces.
changed the statement and the proof
2010-10-09 |
2b090dd |
End conversion of etale to \'etale.
changed the statement and the proof
2009-12-18 |
2fc15b5 |
Properties of Spaces: Quasi-separated spaces and fpqc topology
A Zariski locally quasi-separated space satisfies the sheaf
condition for the fpqc topology.
assigned tag 03FY
2009-10-13 |
Tags: new tags added
modified: tags/tags
created statement with label lemma-union-of-quasi-compact in spaces-properties.tex
2009-10-13 |
7f7a813 |
Properties of spaces: Etale sites and modules on algebraic spaces
We finally caved in and defined both versions of the etale site
of an algebraic space. What maybe makes this palatable is the
little lemma on f-maps showing how to think about the
relationship between sheaves upstairs and downstairs. Of course
this lemma holds in some much greater generality, but for now we
can leave it in this chapter as is.
Also added some preparatory work on the structure sheaf on an
algebraic space and quasi-coherent modules. Next up: pushforward
of quasi-coherent sheaves are sometimes quasi-coherent, right?
modified: spaces-properties.tex