History of tag 03H0
Go back to the tag's page.
type |
time |
link |
changed the proof
2020-12-09 |
90cebd2 |
Improve discussion connectedness in Stein factorization
Of course it doens't change much but it is a bit better this way
changed the proof
2015-03-12 |
da6468e |
amalg and coprod
changed the proof
2014-04-21 |
1d46c85 |
Upgrade to results from lemmas to propositions
Namely, Grothendieck's result on vanishing of cohomology on Noetherian
topological space and Grothendieck's result on proper pushforward of
coherent sheaves
changed the statement
2012-11-07 |
4bae8d3 |
Change definition of connected: require nonempty
Thanks to Burt Totaro
changed the statement
2012-07-09 |
98371d8 |
Small changes
changed the proof
2012-05-21 |
f258fb9 |
move a chapter and rename a chapter
We moved the chapter "Cohomology of Algebraic Spaces" earlier so
we can use the results earlier in the treatment of algebraic
spaces. Also, we finally renamed the chapter "Coherent
Cohomology" to "Cohomology of Schemes" which is better.
changed the statement
2011-08-10 |
65ce54f |
LaTeX: \Spec
Introduced the macro
\def\Spec{\mathop{\rm Spec}}
and changed all the occurences of \text{Spec} into \Spec.
changed the proof
2011-08-10 |
d437c1e |
First macro of the project
This gets rid of all the \nolimits commands following \lim by
\def\lim{\mathop{\rm lim}\nolimits}
in the file preamble.tex. As far as I can tell this is
equivalent to \lim\nolimits where \lim is the internal command
of TeX. The dvi files produced before and after this commit are
changed the proof
2011-08-10 |
23038ed |
LaTeX: fix lim
Replaced all the occurences of \text{lim} by \lim or
\lim\nolimits depending on whether the invocation occured in
display math or not.
changed the proof
2010-10-09 |
2b090dd |
End conversion of etale to \'etale.
assigned tag 03H0
2009-10-18 |
Tags: Added new tags
changed the label to theorem-stein-factorization-Noetherian
2009-10-18 |
a37c06e |
More on Morphisms: Improved readability of proof Stein factorization
Only in the general case. Also changed designation into theorem
from lemma.
changed the statement
2009-10-18 |
a37c06e |
More on Morphisms: Improved readability of proof Stein factorization
Only in the general case. Also changed designation into theorem
from lemma.
changed the statement and the proof
2009-10-18 |
ce81e93 |
More on Morphisms: Stein factorization for general proer maps
This is a little rough at the moment and needs to be cleaned up.
The basic idea is that ytou first prove the result for closed
subschemes of projective space over a ring and then reduce the
general case to that by a simple application of Chow's lemma.
created statement with label lemma-stein-factorization-Noetherian in more-morphisms.tex
2009-10-17 |
ecc0237 |
More on Morphisms: Stein factorization Noetherian case
The proof of existence and properties of the Stein factorization
in the Noetherian case is straightforward because we already
have the theorem on formal functions and preliminary results on
normalization, etale neighbourhoods, cohomology and base change
and so on