Lemma 5.21.4. Let $X$ be a topological space. Let $X = \bigcup U_ i$ be an open covering. Let $T \subset X$ be a subset. If $T \cap U_ i$ is nowhere dense in $U_ i$ for all $i$, then $T$ is nowhere dense in $X$.
Proof. Denote $\overline{T}_ i$ the closure of $T \cap U_ i$ in $U_ i$. We have $\overline{T} \cap U_ i = \overline{T}_ i$. Taking the interior commutes with intersection with opens, thus
\[ (\text{interior of }\overline{T}) \cap U_ i = \text{interior of }(\overline{T} \cap U_ i) = \text{interior in }U_ i\text{ of }\overline{T}_ i \]
By assumption the last of these is empty. Hence $T$ is nowhere dense in $X$. $\square$
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