Theorem 64.20.1 (Finite Coefficients). Let X be a scheme of finite type over a finite field k. Let \Lambda be a finite ring of order prime to the characteristic of k and \mathcal{F} a constructible flat \Lambda -module on X_{\acute{e}tale}. Then
64.20 Cohomological interpretation
This is how Grothendieck interpreted the L-function.
Proof. Omitted. \square
Thus far, we don't even know whether each cohomology group H^ i_ c(X_{\bar k}, \mathcal{F}) is free.
Theorem 64.20.2 (Adic sheaves). Let X be a scheme of finite type over a finite field k, and \mathcal{F} a \mathbf{Q}_\ell -sheaf on X. Then
Proof. This is sketched below. \square
Remark 64.20.3. Since we have only developed some theory of traces and not of determinants, Theorem 64.20.1 is harder to prove than Theorem 64.20.2. We will only prove the latter, for the former see [SGA4.5]. Observe also that there is no version of this theorem more general for \mathbf{Z}_\ell coefficients since there is no \ell -torsion.
We reduce the proof of Theorem 64.20.2 to a trace formula. Since \mathbf{Q}_\ell has characteristic 0, it suffices to prove the equality after taking logarithmic derivatives. More precisely, we apply T\frac{d}{dT} \log to both sides. We have on the one hand
where the last equality results from the formula
which holds for any commutative ring \Lambda and any endomorphism f of a finite projective \Lambda -module M. On the other hand, we have
by the same formula again. Now, comparing powers of T and using the Mobius inversion formula, we see that Theorem 64.20.2 is a consequence of the following equality
Writing k_ n for the degree n extension of k, X_ n = X \times _{\mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}k} \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k_ n) and _ n\mathcal{F} = \mathcal{F}|_{X_ n}, this boils down to
which is a consequence of Theorem 64.20.5.
Theorem 64.20.4. Let X/k be as above, let \Lambda be a finite ring with \# \Lambda \in k^* and K\in D_{ctf}(X, \Lambda ). Then R\Gamma _ c(X_{\bar k}, K)\in D_{perf}(\Lambda ) and
Proof. Note that we have already proved this (REFERENCE) when \dim X \leq 1. The general case follows easily from that case together with the proper base change theorem. \square
Theorem 64.20.5. Let X be a separated scheme of finite type over a finite field k and \mathcal{F} be a \mathbf{Q}_\ell -sheaf on X. Then \dim _{\mathbf{Q}_\ell }H_ c^ i(X_{\bar k}, \mathcal{F}) is finite for all i, and is nonzero for 0\leq i \leq 2 \dim X only. Furthermore, we have
Proof. We explain how to deduce this from Theorem 64.20.4. We first use some étale cohomology arguments to reduce the proof to an algebraic statement which we subsequently prove.
Let \mathcal{F} be as in the theorem. We can write \mathcal{F} as \mathcal{F}'\otimes \mathbf{Q}_\ell where \mathcal{F}' = \left\{ \mathcal{F}'_ n\right\} is a \mathbf{Z}_\ell -sheaf without torsion, i.e., \ell : \mathcal{F}'\to \mathcal{F}' has trivial kernel in the category of \mathbf{Z}_\ell -sheaves. Then each \mathcal{F}_ n' is a flat constructible \mathbf{Z}/\ell ^ n\mathbf{Z}-module on X_{\acute{e}tale}, so \mathcal{F}'_ n \in D_{ctf}(X, \mathbf{Z}/\ell ^ n\mathbf{Z}) and \mathcal{F}_{n+1}' \otimes ^{\mathbf{L}}_{\mathbf{Z}/\ell ^{n+1}\mathbf{Z}} \mathbf{Z}/\ell ^ n\mathbf{Z} = \mathcal{F}_ n'. Note that the last equality holds also for standard (non-derived) tensor product, since \mathcal{F}'_ n is flat (it is the same equality). Therefore,
the complex K_ n = R\Gamma _ c\left(X_{\bar k}, \mathcal{F}_ n'\right) is perfect, and it is endowed with an endomorphism \pi _ n : K_ n\to K_ n in D(\mathbf{Z}/\ell ^ n\mathbf{Z}),
there are identifications
K_{n+1} \otimes ^{\mathbf{L}}_{\mathbf{Z}/\ell ^{n+1}\mathbf{Z}} \mathbf{Z}/\ell ^ n\mathbf{Z} = K_ nin D_{perf}(\mathbf{Z}/\ell ^ n\mathbf{Z}), compatible with the endomorphisms \pi _{n+1} and \pi _ n (see [Rapport 4.12, SGA4.5]),
the equality \text{Tr}\left(\pi _ X^* |_{K_ n}\right) = \sum _{x\in X(k)} \text{Tr}\left(\pi _ x |_{(\mathcal{F}'_ n)_{\bar x}}\right) holds, and
for each x\in X(k), the elements \text{Tr}(\pi _ x |_{\mathcal{F}'_{n, \bar x}}) \in \mathbf{Z}/\ell ^ n\mathbf{Z} form an element of \mathbf{Z}_\ell which is equal to \text{Tr}(\pi _ x |_{\mathcal{F}_{\bar x}}) \in \mathbf{Q}_\ell .
It thus suffices to prove the following algebra lemma. \square
Lemma 64.20.6. Suppose we have K_ n\in D_{perf}(\mathbf{Z}/\ell ^ n\mathbf{Z}), \pi _ n : K_ n\to K_ n and isomorphisms \varphi _ n : K_{n+1} \otimes ^\mathbf {L}_{\mathbf{Z}/\ell ^{n+1}\mathbf{Z}} \mathbf{Z}/\ell ^ n\mathbf{Z} \to K_ n compatible with \pi _{n+1} and \pi _ n. Then
the elements t_ n = \text{Tr}(\pi _ n |_{K_ n})\in \mathbf{Z}/\ell ^ n\mathbf{Z} form an element t_\infty = \{ t_ n\} of \mathbf{Z}_\ell ,
the \mathbf{Z}_\ell -module H_\infty ^ i = \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits _ n H^ i(k_ n) is finite and is nonzero for finitely many i only, and
the operators H^ i(\pi _ n): H^ i(K_ n)\to H^ i(K_ n) are compatible and define \pi _\infty ^ i : H_\infty ^ i\to H_\infty ^ i satisfying
\sum (-1)^ i \text{Tr}( \pi _\infty ^ i |_{H_\infty ^ i \otimes _{\mathbf{Z}_\ell }\mathbf{Q}_\ell }) = t_\infty .
Proof. Since \mathbf{Z}/\ell ^ n\mathbf{Z} is a local ring and K_ n is perfect, each K_ n can be represented by a finite complex K_ n^\bullet of finite free \mathbf{Z}/\ell ^ n \mathbf{Z}-modules such that the map K_ n^ p \to K_ n^{p+1} has image contained in \ell K_ n^{p+1}. It is a fact that such a complex is unique up to isomorphism. Moreover \pi _ n can be represented by a morphism of complexes \pi _ n^\bullet : K_ n^\bullet \to K_ n^\bullet (which is unique up to homotopy). By the same token the isomorphism \varphi _ n : K_{n+1} \otimes _{\mathbf{Z}/\ell ^{n+1}\mathbf{Z}}^{\mathbf{L}} \mathbf{Z}/\ell ^ n\mathbf{Z}\to K_ n is represented by a map of complexes
In fact, \varphi _ n^\bullet is an isomorphism of complexes, thus we see that
there exist a, b\in \mathbf{Z} independent of n such that K_ n^ i = 0 for all i\notin [a, b], and
the rank of K_ n^ i is independent of n.
Therefore, the module K_\infty ^ i = \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits _ n \{ K_ n^ i, \varphi _ n^ i\} is a finite free \mathbf{Z}_\ell -module and K_\infty ^\bullet is a finite complex of finite free \mathbf{Z}_\ell -modules. By induction on the number of nonzero terms, one can prove that H^ i\left(K_\infty ^\bullet \right) = \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits _ n H^ i\left(K_ n^\bullet \right) (this is not true for unbounded complexes). We conclude that H_\infty ^ i = H^ i\left(K_\infty ^\bullet \right) is a finite \mathbf{Z}_\ell -module. This proves ii. To prove the remainder of the lemma, we need to overcome the possible noncommutativity of the diagrams
However, this diagram does commute in the derived category, hence it commutes up to homotopy. We inductively replace \pi _ n^\bullet for n\geq 2 by homotopic maps of complexes making these diagrams commute. Namely, if h^ i : K_{n+1}^ i \to K_ n^{i-1} is a homotopy, i.e.,
then we choose \tilde h^ i : K_{n+1}^ i\to K_{n+1}^{i-1} lifting h^ i. This is possible because K_{n+1}^ i free and K_{n+1}^{i-1}\to K_ n^{i-1} is surjective. Then replace \pi _ n^\bullet by \tilde\pi _ n^\bullet defined by
With this choice of \{ \pi _ n^\bullet \} , the above diagrams commute, and the maps fit together to define an endomorphism \pi _\infty ^\bullet = \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits _ n\pi _ n^\bullet of K_\infty ^\bullet . Then part i is clear: the elements t_ n = \sum (-1)^ i \text{Tr}\left(\pi _ n^ i |_{K_ n^ i}\right) fit into an element t_\infty of \mathbf{Z}_\ell . Moreover
where the last equality follows from the fact that \mathbf{Q}_\ell is a field, so the complex K_\infty ^\bullet \otimes \mathbf{Q}_\ell is quasi-isomorphic to its cohomology H^ i(K_\infty ^\bullet \otimes \mathbf{Q}_\ell ). The latter is also equal to H^ i(K_\infty ^\bullet )\otimes _{\mathbf{Z}}\mathbf{Q}_\ell = H_\infty ^ i \otimes \mathbf{Q}_\ell , which finishes the proof of the lemma, and also that of Theorem 64.20.5. \square
Comments (2)
Comment #2441 by sdf on
Comment #2484 by Johan on