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Theorem 64.20.5. Let X be a separated scheme of finite type over a finite field k and \mathcal{F} be a \mathbf{Q}_\ell -sheaf on X. Then \dim _{\mathbf{Q}_\ell }H_ c^ i(X_{\bar k}, \mathcal{F}) is finite for all i, and is nonzero for 0\leq i \leq 2 \dim X only. Furthermore, we have

\sum _{x\in X(k)} \text{Tr}\left(\pi _ x |_{\mathcal{F}_{\bar x}}\right) = \sum _ i (-1)^ i\text{Tr}\left(\pi _ X^* |_{H_ c^ i(X_{\bar k}, \mathcal{F})}\right).

Proof. We explain how to deduce this from Theorem 64.20.4. We first use some étale cohomology arguments to reduce the proof to an algebraic statement which we subsequently prove.

Let \mathcal{F} be as in the theorem. We can write \mathcal{F} as \mathcal{F}'\otimes \mathbf{Q}_\ell where \mathcal{F}' = \left\{ \mathcal{F}'_ n\right\} is a \mathbf{Z}_\ell -sheaf without torsion, i.e., \ell : \mathcal{F}'\to \mathcal{F}' has trivial kernel in the category of \mathbf{Z}_\ell -sheaves. Then each \mathcal{F}_ n' is a flat constructible \mathbf{Z}/\ell ^ n\mathbf{Z}-module on X_{\acute{e}tale}, so \mathcal{F}'_ n \in D_{ctf}(X, \mathbf{Z}/\ell ^ n\mathbf{Z}) and \mathcal{F}_{n+1}' \otimes ^{\mathbf{L}}_{\mathbf{Z}/\ell ^{n+1}\mathbf{Z}} \mathbf{Z}/\ell ^ n\mathbf{Z} = \mathcal{F}_ n'. Note that the last equality holds also for standard (non-derived) tensor product, since \mathcal{F}'_ n is flat (it is the same equality). Therefore,

  1. the complex K_ n = R\Gamma _ c\left(X_{\bar k}, \mathcal{F}_ n'\right) is perfect, and it is endowed with an endomorphism \pi _ n : K_ n\to K_ n in D(\mathbf{Z}/\ell ^ n\mathbf{Z}),

  2. there are identifications

    K_{n+1} \otimes ^{\mathbf{L}}_{\mathbf{Z}/\ell ^{n+1}\mathbf{Z}} \mathbf{Z}/\ell ^ n\mathbf{Z} = K_ n

    in D_{perf}(\mathbf{Z}/\ell ^ n\mathbf{Z}), compatible with the endomorphisms \pi _{n+1} and \pi _ n (see [Rapport 4.12, SGA4.5]),

  3. the equality \text{Tr}\left(\pi _ X^* |_{K_ n}\right) = \sum _{x\in X(k)} \text{Tr}\left(\pi _ x |_{(\mathcal{F}'_ n)_{\bar x}}\right) holds, and

  4. for each x\in X(k), the elements \text{Tr}(\pi _ x |_{\mathcal{F}'_{n, \bar x}}) \in \mathbf{Z}/\ell ^ n\mathbf{Z} form an element of \mathbf{Z}_\ell which is equal to \text{Tr}(\pi _ x |_{\mathcal{F}_{\bar x}}) \in \mathbf{Q}_\ell .

It thus suffices to prove the following algebra lemma. \square

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