Lemma 64.23.1. Let X be a smooth, projective, geometrically irreducible curve over a finite field k. Then
the L-function L(X, \mathbf{Q}_\ell ) is a rational function,
the eigenvalues \alpha _1, \ldots , \alpha _{2g} of \pi _ X^* on H^1(X_{\bar k}, \mathbf{Q}_\ell ) are algebraic integers independent of \ell ,
the number of rational points of X on k_ n, where [k_ n : k] = n, is
\# X(k_ n) = 1 - \sum \nolimits _{i = 1}^{2g}\alpha _ i^ n + q^ n,for each i, |\alpha _ i| < q.
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