History of tag 04EE
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assigned tag 04EE
2010-04-08 |
Tags: added tags
changed the label to lemma-universal-thickening-localize
2010-04-06 |
194f673 |
Universal first order thickenings
Added definition + lemma on immersions
changed the statement and the proof
2010-04-06 |
194f673 |
Universal first order thickenings
Added definition + lemma on immersions
changed the statement and the proof
2010-04-03 |
4d42afa |
More Morphisms Spaces: Formally *
Abstract discussion of formally * transformations of functors,
where * is smooth, etale, or unramified.
created statement with label lemma-infinitesimal-thickening-localize in algebra.tex
2010-04-03 |
9c22ffa |
Algebra: Infinitesimal thickenings
If R ---> S is a formally unramified ring map, then S has a
first infinitesimal thickening over S, which is a surjection S'
---> S with square zero kernel satsifying a suitable universal