112.5.14 Other papers
Potpourri of other papers.
Lieblich: Moduli of twisted sheaves [lieblich_twisted]
This paper contains a summary of gerbes and twisted sheaves. If \mathcal{X} \rightarrow X is a \mu _ n-gerbe with X a projective relative surface with smooth connected geometric fibers, it is shown that the stack of semistable \mathcal{X}-twisted sheaves is an Artin stack locally of finite presentation over S. This paper also develops the theory of associated points and purity of sheaves on Artin stacks.
Lieblich, Osserman: Functorial reconstruction theorem for stacks [lieblich-osserman]
Proves some surprising and interesting results on when an algebraic stack can be reconstructed from its associated functor.
David Rydh: Noetherian approximation of algebraic spaces and stacks [rydh_approx]
This paper shows that every quasi-compact algebraic stack with quasi-finite diagonal can be approximated by a Noetherian stack. There are applications to removing the Noetherian hypothesis in results of Chevalley, Serre, Zariski and Chow.
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