History of tag 04YC
Go back to the tag's page.
type |
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changed the statement and the proof
2021-08-09 |
2af36b1 |
Add a case to a lemma in stacks-properties
changed the statement
2010-11-12 |
267b608 |
Thanks to Lars Kindler
changed the statement
2010-07-20 |
5dda7f0 |
Surjective and quasi-compact morphisms
Bunch of related small lemmas on surjective and quasi-compact
changed the statement and the proof
2010-07-19 |
375027c |
Quasi-compact morphisms of algebraic spaces
Just the bare minimum. Note how the condition in the definition
is quite a bit stronger than in the case of a morphism of
schemes (but similar to the definition for morphisms of spaces).
assigned tag 04YC
2010-07-14 |
Tags: added new tags
created statement with label lemma-quasi-compact-stack in stacks-properties.tex
2010-07-12 |
452ce67 |
Quasi-compact algebraic stacks