Lemma 110.33.1. Strange flat modules.
There exists a ring R and a finite flat R-module M which is not projective.
There exists a closed immersion which is flat but not open.
This is a copy of Algebra, Remark 10.78.4. It is not true that a finite R-module which is R-flat is automatically projective. A counter example is where R = \mathcal{C}^\infty (\mathbf{R}) is the ring of infinitely differentiable functions on \mathbf{R}, and M = R_{\mathfrak m} = R/I where \mathfrak m = \{ f \in R \mid f(0) = 0\} and I = \{ f \in R \mid \exists \epsilon , \epsilon > 0 : f(x) = 0\ \forall x, |x| < \epsilon \} .
The morphism \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(R/I) \to \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(R) is also an example of a flat closed immersion which is not open.
Lemma 110.33.1. Strange flat modules.
There exists a ring R and a finite flat R-module M which is not projective.
There exists a closed immersion which is flat but not open.
Proof. See discussion above. \square
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