History of tag 055Q
Go back to the tag's page.
type |
time |
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changed the proof
2013-08-03 |
badd58f |
Spell check: words starting with b, c, B, or C
changed the proof
2011-08-10 |
65ce54f |
LaTeX: \Spec
Introduced the macro
\def\Spec{\mathop{\rm Spec}}
and changed all the occurences of \text{Spec} into \Spec.
changed the proof
2011-08-10 |
996a95d |
LaTeX: fix colim
Introduced the macro
\def\colim{\mathop{\rm colim}\nolimits}
and changed all the occurences of \text{colim} into \colim.
assigned tag 055Q
2010-09-04 |
Added new tags
created statement with label lemma-connected-along-section-open-neighbourhood in more-morphisms.tex
2010-09-03 |
20b41b3 |
Openness of X^0
Let f : X ---> Y be a flat morphism of finite presentation. let
s be a section of f. If all the geometric fibres of f are
reduced then X^0 is open in X.