History of tag 057T
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type |
time |
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changed the proof
2012-05-12 |
bc346d4 |
'pull back' ----> 'pullback'
This is a bit more tricky as we sometimes use the pull in 'pull back' as a verb.
changed the proof
2010-11-22 |
25205dc |
Algebraic reformulation
Not pretty!
changed the proof
2010-10-09 |
2b090dd |
End conversion of etale to \'etale.
changed the proof
2010-09-21 |
739490e |
Tedious lemma on flatness
Also added some small remarks on permanence of flatness.
changed the statement and the proof
2010-09-21 |
dd79480 |
A tedious lemma
This lemma says that in the key geometric situation of RG the
whether or not the modules in question are finitely presented
can be tested either on X, X', Z', or Y'.
This involved adding some material on quasi-coherent sheaves in
the chapter on descent.
assigned tag 057T
2010-09-18 |
Tags: Added new tags
created statement with label lemma-devissage-finite-presentation in flat.tex
2010-09-15 |
a203863 |
More on local structure modules