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History of tag 05BU

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assigned tag 05BU 2010-10-07 84ec8c5
Tags: Added new tags
created statement with label lemma-lift-idempotents-noncommutative in algebra.tex 2010-09-27 a44efb0
Completion and Mittag-Leffler

	The result here is that if we have a ring map R ---> S, an
	S-module M, and an ideal I of R then, under some assumptions,
	the completion of M wrt I is a Mittag-Leffler module. The
	assumptions are that R is Noetherian and complete wrt I, R --->
	S is finite type, M is finite over S and a flat R-module such
	that M/IM is projective as a R/I-module.

	Question: Can we drop the assumption that M be flat?

	In order to prove the result we add some lemmas on lift of
	projectivity and splitting sequences after completion.