Lemma 110.35.1.slogan There exists a local ring R with a unique prime ideal and a nonzero ideal I \subset R which is a flat R-module
110.35 Zero dimensional local ring with nonzero flat ideal
In [Lazard] and [Autour] there is an example of a zero dimensional local ring with a nonzero flat ideal. Here is the construction. Let k be a field. Let X_ i, Y_ i, i \geq 1 be variables. Take R = k[X_ i, Y_ i]/(X_ i - Y_ i X_{i + 1}, Y_ i^2). Denote x_ i, resp. y_ i the image of X_ i, resp. Y_ i in this ring. Note that
in this ring. The ring R has only one prime ideal, namely \mathfrak m = (x_ i, y_ i). We claim that the ideal I = (x_ i) is flat as an R-module.
Note that the annihilator of x_ i in R is the ideal (x_1, x_2, x_3, \ldots , y_ i, y_{i + 1}, y_{i + 2}, \ldots ). Consider the R-module M generated by elements e_ i, i \geq 1 and relations e_ i = y_ i e_{i + 1}. Then M is flat as it is the colimit \mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits _ i R of copies of R with transition maps
Note that the annihilator of e_ i in M is the ideal (x_1, x_2, x_3, \ldots , y_ i, y_{i + 1}, y_{i + 2}, \ldots ). Since every element of M, resp. I can be written as f e_ i, resp. h x_ i for some f, h \in R we see that the map M \to I, e_ i \to x_ i is an isomorphism and I is flat.
Proof. See discussion above. \square
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