History of tag 05MV
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type |
time |
link |
changed the proof
2017-07-23 |
d92235b |
Typo in flat
changed the proof
2013-08-03 |
dba86b5 |
pell check: words starting with n, o, p, q, r, N, O, P, Q, or R
changed the proof
2011-08-10 |
65ce54f |
LaTeX: \Spec
Introduced the macro
\def\Spec{\mathop{\rm Spec}}
and changed all the occurences of \text{Spec} into \Spec.
changed the proof
2011-08-08 |
f2a11cf |
Fix self-references
Aaron Abrams pointed out that the graphical representation of
the logical structure of the chapter on commutative algebra had
loops. This shouldn't happen. Changing parse.py to look for
these we found a bunch of them still extant. All of these were
due to typos and are fixed in this commit.
assigned tag 05MV
2011-01-12 |
Tags: added new tags
changed the statement and the proof
2011-01-12 |
902561d |
Lemma on F_n
A fun result is about limits and dimensions of fibres.
created statement with label lemma-flat-dimension-n in flat.tex
2011-01-10 |
ffd4cbf |
Flattening functors
This commit just makes explicit the functors we are going to use
lated in the chapter.