History of tag 05P9
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type |
time |
link |
changed the statement
2020-11-12 |
2e94658 |
Fix reversal inclusions
Thanks to Lucas das Dores
changed the statement and the proof
2016-03-15 |
12c78be |
A bit more spelling out of the Fitting ideal stuff
moved the statement to file divisors.tex
2016-03-15 |
77c32df |
Move material on fitting ideals ealier
changed the proof
2014-05-29 |
4ea49e2 |
A bit more precise version of stratification by rank
changed the proof
2011-08-11 |
f496b59 |
LaTeX: \Sch
Introduced a new macro
and replaced all the occurences of \textit{Sch} with \Sch.
assigned tag 05P9
2011-01-23 |
Tags: added new tags
created statement with label lemma-finite-presentation-module in flat.tex
2011-01-15 |
4d011dc |
Two easy cases of flattening
The case of a finitely presented sheaf over the base and the
case where the base is the spectrum of an Artinian ring.