Lemma 13.13.6. The functors \text{gr}^ p, \text{gr}, (\text{forget }F) induce canonical exact functors
which commute with the localization functors.
Lemma 13.13.6. The functors \text{gr}^ p, \text{gr}, (\text{forget }F) induce canonical exact functors
which commute with the localization functors.
Proof. This follows from the universal property of localization, see Lemma 13.5.7, provided we can show that a filtered quasi-isomorphism is turned into a quasi-isomorphism by each of the functors \text{gr}^ p, \text{gr}, (\text{forget }F). This is true by definition for the first two. For the last one the statement we have to do a little bit of work. Let f : K^\bullet \to L^\bullet be a filtered quasi-isomorphism in K(\text{Fil}^ f(\mathcal{A})). Choose a distinguished triangle (K^\bullet , L^\bullet , M^\bullet , f, g, h) which contains f. Then M^\bullet is filtered acyclic, see Lemma 13.13.4. Hence by the corresponding lemma for K(\mathcal{A}) it suffices to show that a filtered acyclic complex is an acyclic complex if we forget the filtration. This follows from Homology, Lemma 12.19.15. \square
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