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This is a particular case of [Corollary, McCoy]

Lemma 15.30.16. Let R be a ring. Let a_1, \ldots , a_ n \in R be elements such that R \to R^{\oplus n}, x \mapsto (xa_1, \ldots , xa_ n) is injective. Then the element \sum a_ i t_ i of the polynomial ring R[t_1, \ldots , t_ n] is a nonzerodivisor.

Proof. If one of the a_ i is a unit this is just the statement that any element of the form t_1 + a_2 t_2 + \ldots + a_ n t_ n is a nonzerodivisor in the polynomial ring over R.

Case I: R is Noetherian. Let \mathfrak q_ j, j = 1, \ldots , m be the associated primes of R. We have to show that each of the maps

\sum a_ i t_ i : \text{Sym}^ d(R^{\oplus n}) \longrightarrow \text{Sym}^{d + 1}(R^{\oplus n})

is injective. As \text{Sym}^ d(R^{\oplus n}) is a free R-module its associated primes are \mathfrak q_ j, j = 1, \ldots , m. For each j there exists an i = i(j) such that a_ i \not\in \mathfrak q_ j because there exists an x \in R with \mathfrak q_ jx = 0 but a_ i x \not= 0 for some i by assumption. Hence a_ i is a unit in R_{\mathfrak q_ j} and the map is injective after localizing at \mathfrak q_ j. Thus the map is injective, see Algebra, Lemma 10.63.19.

Case II: R general. We can write R as the union of Noetherian rings R_\lambda with a_1, \ldots , a_ n \in R_\lambda . For each R_\lambda the result holds, hence the result holds for R. \square

Comments (2)

Comment #2778 by on

This is also a particular case of McCoy's theorem, which states that if a polynomial is a zero-divisor, then all its coefficients are annihilated by a nonzero scalar (simultaneously). This is well known for polynomials in 1 variable (e.g., and countless math.stackexchange threads); the case of n variables can be reduced to 1 variable by induction.

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