History of tag 06Q0
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assigned tag 06Q0
2011-06-15 |
Tags: Added new tags
changed the proof
2011-06-14 |
0024f9f |
Permance of flat morphisms
Case of algebraic stacks... This is not the whole story but it
is what we need now for the discussion of gerbes. I'm sure we'll
have to pay later for our rash decision to add these simple
cases here explicitly now:)
created statement with label lemma-flat-permanence in stacks-morphisms.tex
2011-06-14 |
e855389 |
Flatness of gerbes
The statement is that if X ---> Y is a morphism of algebraic
stacks such that X is a gerbe over Y, then X ---> Y is
surjective, flat, and locally of finite presentation.
There are a couple of not-completely-trivial lemmas that I added
in this commit whose proof I will add in the next couple of