Remark 46.10.3. Remark 46.10.2 above implies we have an equivalence of derived categories
where \mathcal{C} is the category of parasitic adequate modules. Namely, it is clear that D_\mathcal {C}(\mathcal{O}) is the kernel of Rf_*, hence a functor as indicated. For any object X of D_{\textit{Adeq}}(\mathcal{O}) the map Lf^*Rf_*X \to X maps to a quasi-isomorphism in D_\mathit{QCoh}(S), hence Lf^*Rf_*X \to X is an isomorphism in D_{\textit{Adeq}}(\mathcal{O})/D_\mathcal {C}(\mathcal{O}). Finally, for X, Y objects of D_{\textit{Adeq}}(\mathcal{O}) the map
is bijective as Lf^* gives an inverse (by the remarks above).
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