History of tag 07AV
Go back to the tag's page.
type |
time |
link |
changed the proof
2021-12-28 |
008461e |
More cleanup in earlier material on QCoh for stacks
changed the proof
2021-12-27 |
df77766 |
Improvements handling qcoh stuff on stacks
changed the proof
2013-05-24 |
719c185 |
LaTeX: \etale
Introduced the macro
and replaced all occurences of \acute{e}tale by \etale
moved the statement to file stacks-perfect.tex
2013-02-22 |
50a9d1d |
Split chapter Cohomology of Stacks; added new chapter
Reason: Same structure as for schemes and spaces
New chapter added to the project
Filename: stacks-perfect.tex
Title: Derived Categories of Stacks
changed the statement and the proof
2013-02-22 |
50a9d1d |
Split chapter Cohomology of Stacks; added new chapter
Reason: Same structure as for schemes and spaces
New chapter added to the project
Filename: stacks-perfect.tex
Title: Derived Categories of Stacks
assigned tag 07AV
2011-12-07 |
TAGS: Added new tags
changed the proof
2011-12-05 |
8241ce5 |
created statement with label lemma-lisse-etale-functorial-derived in stacks-cohomology.tex
2011-12-03 |
c2664fa |
Compatibility Rf_* with lisse-etale version for smooth morphism