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Lemma 16.2.8. Let R \to A \to \Lambda be ring maps with A of finite presentation over R. Assume that H_{A/R} \Lambda = \Lambda . Then there exists a factorization A \to B \to \Lambda with B smooth over R.

Proof. Choose f_1, \ldots , f_ r \in H_{A/R} and \lambda _1, \ldots , \lambda _ r \in \Lambda such that \sum f_ i\lambda _ i = 1 in \Lambda . Set B = A[x_1, \ldots , x_ r]/(f_1x_1 + \ldots + f_ rx_ r - 1) and define B \to \Lambda by mapping x_ i to \lambda _ i. To check that B is smooth over R use that A_{f_ i} is smooth over R by definition of H_{A/R} and that B_{f_ i} is smooth over A_{f_ i}. Details omitted. \square

Comments (2)

Comment #6045 by Harry Gindi on

I found this last one a bit tricky. I wrote up a proof if you want to add it:

Observe that the ideal generated by the coefficients (f_1,...,f_r) c B is the unit ideal, so the family of maps {B→B_{f_i}}{i=1}^r is a Zariski open cover. It suffices therefore to show that each of the B{f_i} is smooth over R. But observe that B_{f_i}≅A_{f_i}[x1,...,x_{i-1},x_{i+1},...,x_r] (omitting the ith indeterminate) for each 1≤i≤r, which is witnessed by the map sending x_i to the polynomial

1- ((f_1/f_i) x_1 + … + (f_{i-1}/f_i) x_{i-1} + (f_{i+1}/f_i) x_{i+1} + … + (f_r/f_i) x_r)

in A[x_1,...,x_{i-1},x_{i+1},…,x_r].

But since f_i belongs to H_{A/R}, we know that R→A_{f_i} is smooth, and polynomial rings in finitely many indeterminates are smooth so we see A_{f_i}→B_{f_i} is smooth and therefore R→A_{f_i} → B_{f_i} is smooth, as desired.

Comment #6184 by on

Thanks. I added a bit more text to the hint. I was too lazy to make a full proof with the relevant results on smooth ring maps in the algebra chapter. See changes here.

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  • 4 comment(s) on Section 16.2: Singular ideals

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