History of tag 07MM
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changed the statement
2013-12-27 |
2f2ea29 |
Relate pseudo-coherent morphisms to relative pseudo-coherence
assigned tag 07MM
2012-04-08 |
Tags: Added new tags
changed the statement
2012-04-03 |
faa9fbc |
Need separated for Cech complex
To get the Cech complex for crystalline cohomology as
advertised we need to assume X is separated and not just that X
has affine diagonal. Of course you can make it work when X has
affine diagonal or even in complete generality using
hypercoverings but not with the exact same construction. Since
in any case crystalline cohomology is ONLY well behaved for
proper smooth morphisms it doesn't seem like a big restriction
to assume that X is separated. Moreover, we don't actually need
to use the Cech complex in any of the later arguments.
Still, it is pleasing that one can _define_ crystalline
cohomology of a quasi-compact separated scheme using an
alternating Cech complex and de Rham cohomology of local lifts.
This is of course much quicker than developing all of the theory
of crystalline cohomology...
created statement with label remark-cech-complex in crystalline.tex
2012-04-02 |
621d4ec |
Series of remarks on crystalline cohomology
This is just a plan for how to work through this mess of
crystalline cohomology. Please let me know if you have comments,
suggestions, errors, etc.