History of tag 07PT
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changed the proof
2015-06-28 |
3aa32b2 |
Add section on properties of formal fibres
Lists properties (A), (B), (C), (D) of a property of Noetherian
algebras over fields which are a kind of minimal requirement for
the thing to make sense.
assigned tag 07PT
2012-04-27 |
Tags: Added new tags
created statement with label lemma-check-G-ring-maximal-ideals in more-algebra.tex
2012-04-25 |
854eec8 |
More results on formal smoothness
In particular the characterization of formally smooth maps
between Noetherian local rings in terms of flatness and fs
fibre. The proof is a bit long (about 2 pages) but it isn't
clear how to split it further without introducing substantially
more notation.