History of tag 07V9
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changed the proof
2022-02-27 |
1e5ee86 |
Blowing ups and resolution property for spaces
Bunch of changes were necessary to make this work
1. Prove a refined version of there exists a surjective integral
morphism from a scheme to a given qcqs algebraic space
2. Prove a refined version of there exists a surjective finite and
finitely presented morphism from a scheme to a given qcqs algebraic space
3. Prove a "filtered" version of 2.
4. Prove a refined version for algebraic spaces of there exists a
blowing up which has the resolution property
5. Prove a "filtered" version of 4.
Most of these are annoying to prove but clearly true.
changed the statement
2012-12-20 |
5783e12 |
Induction principle for qc + qs algebraic spaces
changed the proof
2012-07-30 |
957f784 |
More material on morphisms of algebraic spaces
assigned tag 07V9
2012-06-05 |
Tags: Added new tags
created statement with label lemma-colimit-finitely-presented in spaces-limits.tex
2012-05-30 |
b993fe5 |
Qcoherent modules on qc + qs spaces are limits of fp modules