Remark 98.21.4 (Automorphisms). Assumptions and notation as in Lemma 98.21.2. Let x', x'' be lifts of x to A'. Then we have a composition map
Since \textit{Lift}(x, A') is a groupoid, if \mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits _{\textit{Lift}(x, A')}(x', x'') is nonempty, then this defines a simply transitive left action of \text{Inf}(x'/x) on \mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits _{\textit{Lift}(x, A')}(x', x'') and a simply transitive right action by \text{Inf}(x''/x). Now the lemma says that \text{Inf}(x'/x) = \text{Inf}_ x(I) = \text{Inf}(x''/x). We claim that the two actions described above agree via these identifications. Namely, either x' \not\cong x'' in which the claim is clear, or x' \cong x'' and in that case we may assume that x'' = x' in which case the result follows from the fact that \text{Inf}(x'/x) is commutative. In particular, we obtain a well defined action
which is simply transitive as soon as \mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits _{\textit{Lift}(x, A')}(x', x'') is nonempty.
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