History of tag 081M
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type |
time |
link |
changed the proof
2018-11-04 |
9929d2a |
Mostly small typos around descending vector bundles in char p.
changed the proof
2016-05-26 |
070ef5c |
Fix error in proof characterization open immersion
Thanks to Shizhang Li
moved the statement to file flat.tex
2015-03-02 |
6953f32 |
Collect results on extending properties to flat.tex
changed the statement and the proof
2015-03-02 |
6953f32 |
Collect results on extending properties to flat.tex
changed the proof
2012-10-17 |
6c7b7d8 |
Variant valuative criterion
Namely, for when Spec(K) maps into a given retrocompact dense open
changed the statement
2012-09-11 |
83d660d |
Inheriting properties for morphisms from an open
The case of algebraic spaces.
changed the proof
2012-09-01 |
812e755 |
David Rydh's result that a decent space has a dense open subscheme
assigned tag 081M
2012-07-30 |
Tags: Added new tags
created statement with label lemma-zariski in more-morphisms.tex
2012-07-29 |
5b7d5de |
Bunch of changes, crystallizing some earlier results
This commit adds:
(1) Relative dimension of a flat morphism can be read off from
what happens over a dense open
(2) Characterizing open immersions as flat morphisms which induce
an isomorphism over a dense open
(3) Finite type, flat, and finitely presented over a dense open
implies finitely presented
(4) Proper modifications can be dominated by blowups