Lemma 110.64.1. There exists a ring R, a distinguished triangle (K, L, M, \alpha , \beta , \gamma ) in the homotopy category K(R), and an endomorphism (a, b, c) of this distinguished triangle, such that K, L, M are perfect complexes and \text{Tr}_ K(a) + \text{Tr}_ M(c) \not= \text{Tr}_ L(b).
110.64 Example of non-additivity of traces
Let k be a field and let R = k[\epsilon ] be the ring of dual numbers over k. In other words, R = k[x]/(x^2) and \epsilon is the congruence class of x in R. Consider the short exact sequence of complexes
Here the columns are the complexes, the first row is placed in degree 0, and the second row in degree 1. Denote the first complex (i.e., the left column) by A^\bullet , the second by B^\bullet and the third C^\bullet . We claim that the diagram
commutes in K(R), i.e., is a diagram of complexes commuting up to homotopy. Namely, the square on the right commutes and the one on the left is off by the homotopy 1 : A^1 \to B^0. On the other hand,
Proof. Consider the example above. The map \gamma : C^\bullet \to A^\bullet [1] is given by multiplication by \epsilon in degree 0, see Derived Categories, Definition 13.10.1. Hence it is also true that
commutes in K(R) as \epsilon (1 + \epsilon ) = \epsilon . Thus we indeed have a morphism of distinguished triangles. \square
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