History of tag 08CP
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changed the proof
2024-06-05 |
35b1157 |
Fix indices in proof
Thanks to Shizhang
changed the proof
2013-12-22 |
5b9bcfb |
Introduced a new macro
and replaced all occurrences of \text{Coker} by \Coker
changed the proof
2013-12-22 |
e179438 |
Introduced a macro
and replace all occurrences of \text{Ker} with \Ker
changed the proof
2012-12-27 |
8888dd7 |
Perfect complexes on ringed sites
Exactly the same as in the ringed space case.
assigned tag 08CP
2012-12-15 |
Tags: Added new tags
created statement with label lemma-perfect-precise in cohomology.tex
2012-12-12 |
9ed3758 |
More basics on pseudo-coherent, tor dimension, perfectness