History of tag 08IW
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changed the proof
2016-11-12 |
6fc5d29 |
Largish set of changes: "proper over"
This is just a neurotic set of changes, making sure it makes sense to
say that a closed subset of X is proper over the base S in case X --> S
is a morphism which is locally of finite type...
Use this in the chapter on derived categories of schemes
Next up: Make similar changes for the case of algebraic spaces...
changed the statement and the proof
2016-11-10 |
c9fdec1 |
Small clarifications in quot
Actually, these clarifications unfortunately make it harder to read the
damn thing.
changed the statement
2013-12-17 |
457be8e |
The quot functor and representability
changed the proof
2013-02-06 |
6163548 |
Move material on fibre products rings and add more
This is what happens when you initially aren't general enough.
assigned tag 08IW
2013-01-28 |
Tags: Added new tags
Also fixed some references
created statement with label lemma-q-RS-star in quot.tex
2013-01-03 |
237d94b |
Axiom (RS*) for functor of quotients
This is not as straightforward as one would have thought.