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Lemma 15.112.5. Let A be a discrete valuation ring with fraction field K. Let L/K be a finite Galois extension with Galois group G. Let B be the integral closure of A in L. Let \mathfrak m \subset B be a maximal ideal. The inertia group I of \mathfrak m sits in a canonical exact sequence

1 \to P \to I \to I_ t \to 1

such that

  1. P = \{ \sigma \in D \mid \sigma |_{B/\mathfrak m^2} = \text{id}_{B/\mathfrak m^2}\} where D is the decomposition group,

  2. P is a normal subgroup of D,

  3. P is a p-group if the characteristic of \kappa _ A is p > 0 and P = \{ 1\} if the characteristic of \kappa _ A is zero,

  4. I_ t is cyclic of order the prime to p part of the integer e, and

  5. there is a canonical isomorphism \theta : I_ t \to \mu _ e(\kappa (\mathfrak m)).

Here e is the integer of Lemma 15.112.2.

Proof. Recall that |G| = [L : K] = nef, see Lemma 15.112.2. Since G acts transitively on the set \{ \mathfrak m_1, \ldots , \mathfrak m_ n\} of maximal ideals of B (Lemma 15.112.1) and since D is the stabilizer of an element we see that |D| = ef. By Lemma 15.112.4 we have

ef = |D| = |I| \cdot |\text{Aut}(\kappa (\mathfrak m)/\kappa )|

where \kappa is the residue field of A. As \kappa (\mathfrak m) is normal over \kappa the order of \text{Aut}(\kappa (\mathfrak m)/\kappa ) differs from f by a power of p (see Fields, Lemma 9.15.9 and discussion following Fields, Definition 9.14.7). Hence the prime to p part of |I| is equal to the prime to p part of e.

Set C = B_\mathfrak m. Then I acts on C over A and trivially on the residue field of C. Let \pi _ A \in A and \pi _ C \in C be uniformizers. Write \pi _ A = u \pi _ C^ e for some unit u in C. For \sigma \in I write \sigma (\pi _ C) = \theta _\sigma \pi _ C for some unit \theta _\sigma in C. Then we have

\pi _ A = \sigma (\pi _ A) = \sigma (u) (\theta _\sigma \pi _ C)^ e = \sigma (u) \theta _\sigma ^ e \pi _ C^ e = \frac{\sigma (u)}{u} \theta _\sigma ^ e \pi _ A

Since \sigma (u) \equiv u \bmod \mathfrak m_ C as \sigma \in I we see that the image \overline{\theta }_\sigma of \theta _\sigma in \kappa _ C = \kappa (\mathfrak m) is an eth root of unity. We obtain a map
\begin{equation} \label{more-algebra-equation-inertia-character} \theta : I \longrightarrow \mu _ e(\kappa (\mathfrak m)),\quad \sigma \mapsto \overline{\theta }_\sigma \end{equation}

We claim that \theta is a homomorphism of groups and independent of the choice of uniformizer \pi _ C. Namely, if \tau is a second element of I, then \tau (\sigma (\pi _ C)) = \tau (\theta _\sigma \pi _ C) = \tau (\theta _\sigma ) \theta _\tau \pi _ C, hence \theta _{\tau \sigma } = \tau (\theta _\sigma ) \theta _\tau and since \tau \in I we conclude that \overline{\theta }_{\tau \sigma } = \overline{\theta }_\sigma \overline{\theta }_\tau . If \pi '_ C is a second uniformizer, then we see that \pi '_ C = w \pi _ C for some unit w of C and \sigma (\pi '_ C) = w^{-1}\sigma (w)\theta _\sigma \pi '_ C, hence \theta '_\sigma = w^{-1}\sigma (w)\theta _\sigma , hence \theta '_\sigma and \theta _\sigma map to the same element of the residue field as before.

Since \kappa (\mathfrak m) has characteristic p, the group \mu _ e(\kappa (\mathfrak m)) is cyclic of order at most the prime to p part of e (see Fields, Section 9.17).

Let P = \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(\theta ). The elements of P are exactly the elements of D acting trivially on C/\pi _ C^2C \cong B/\mathfrak m^2. Thus (a) is true. This implies (b) as P is the kernel of the map D \to \text{Aut}(B/\mathfrak m^2). If we can prove (c), then parts (d) and (e) will follow as I_ t will be isomorphic to \mu _ e(\kappa (\mathfrak m)) as the arguments above show that |I_ t| \geq |\mu _ e(\kappa (\mathfrak m))|.

Thus it suffices to prove that the kernel P of \theta is a p-group. Let \sigma be a nontrivial element of the kernel. Then \sigma - \text{id} sends \mathfrak m_ C^ i into \mathfrak m_ C^{i + 1} for all i. Let m be the order of \sigma . Pick c \in C such that \sigma (c) \not= c. Then \sigma (c) - c \in \mathfrak m_ C^ i, \sigma (c) - c \not\in \mathfrak m_ C^{i + 1} for some i and we have

\begin{align*} 0 & = \sigma ^ m(c) - c \\ & = \sigma ^ m(c) - \sigma ^{m - 1}(c) + \ldots + \sigma (c) - c \\ & = \sum \nolimits _{j = 0, \ldots , m - 1} \sigma ^ j(\sigma (c) - c) \\ & \equiv m(\sigma (c) - c) \bmod \mathfrak m_ C^{i + 1} \end{align*}

It follows that p | m (or m = 0 if p = 1). Thus every element of the kernel of \theta has order divisible by p, i.e., \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(\theta ) is a p-group. \square

Comments (2)

Comment #3267 by on

Typo 1: in the second paragraph, not .

Typo 2: at the end of the second to last paragraph, the arguments above actually show the reverse inequality, , not ≤. (You need ≥.)

Typo 3: in the last paragraph it is stated but besides being false what you need and what you have (since is in the kernel of ) is that the restriction of to coincides with the identity modulo .

Comment #3362 by on

Thanks for your very precise explanation of what was wrong and how to fix it. The fix is here and will be online in a couple of days.

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