Lemma 15.113.2. Let A be a discrete valuation ring with field of fractions K. Let A^\wedge be the completion of A with fraction field K^\wedge . If M/K^\wedge is a finite separable extension, then there exists a finite separable extension L/K such that M = K^\wedge \otimes _ K L.
Proof. Note that A^\wedge is a discrete valuation ring too (by Lemmas 15.43.4 and 15.43.1). In particular A^\wedge is a domain. The proof will work more generally for Noetherian local rings A such that A^\wedge is a local domain of dimension 1.
Let \theta \in M be an element that generates M over K^\wedge . (Theorem of the primitive element.) Let P(t) \in K^\wedge [t] be the minimal polynomial of \theta over K^\wedge . Let \pi \in \mathfrak m_ A be a nonzero element. After replacing \theta by \pi ^ n\theta we may assume that the coefficients of P(t) are in A^\wedge . Let B = A^\wedge [\theta ] = A^\wedge [t]/(P(t)). Note that B is a complete local domain of dimension 1 because it is finite over A and contained in M. Since M is separable over K the element \theta is not a root of the derivative of P. For any integer n we can find a monic polynomial P_1 \in A[t] such that P - P_1 has coefficients in \pi ^ nA^\wedge [t]. By Krasner's lemma (Lemma 15.113.1) we see that P_1 has a root \beta in B for n sufficiently large. Moreover, we may assume (if n is chosen large enough) that \theta - \beta \in \pi B. Consider the map \Phi : A^\wedge [t]/(P_1) \to B of A^\wedge -algebras which maps t to \beta . Since B = \pi B + \sum _{i < \deg (P)} A^\wedge \theta ^ i, the map \Phi is surjective by Nakayama's lemma. As \deg (P_1) = \deg (P) it follows that \Phi is an isomorphism. We conclude that the ring extension L = K[t]/(P_1(t)) satisfies K^\wedge \otimes _ K L \cong M. This implies that L is a field and the proof is complete. \square
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