Lemma 22.21.2. Let (A, \text{d}) be a differential graded algebra. Let I be a differential graded A-module with property (I). Then
for all acyclic differential graded A-modules N.
Lemma 22.21.2. Let (A, \text{d}) be a differential graded algebra. Let I be a differential graded A-module with property (I). Then
for all acyclic differential graded A-modules N.
Proof. We will use that K(\text{Mod}_{(A, \text{d})}) is a triangulated category (Proposition 22.10.3). Let F_\bullet be a filtration on I as in property (I). The short exact sequence of Lemma 22.21.1 produces a distinguished triangle. Hence by Derived Categories, Lemma 13.4.2 it suffices to show that
for all acyclic differential graded A-modules N and all i. Each of the differential graded modules I/F_ iI has a finite filtration by admissible monomorphisms, whose graded pieces are products of A^\vee [k]. Thus it suffices to prove that
for all acyclic differential graded A-modules N and all k. This follows from Lemma 22.19.3 and the fact that (-)^\vee is an exact functor. \square
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