Lemma 5.23.13. Let W be the topological space with two points, one closed, the other not. A topological space is spectral if and only if it is homeomorphic to a subspace of a product of copies of W which is closed in the constructible topology.
Proof. Write W = \{ 0, 1\} where 0 is a specialization of 1 but not vice versa. Let I be a set. The space \prod _{i \in I} W is spectral by Lemma 5.23.12. Thus we see that a subspace of \prod _{i \in I} W closed in the constructible topology is a spectral space by Lemma 5.23.5.
For the converse, let X be a spectral space. Let U \subset X be a quasi-compact open. Consider the continuous map
which maps every point in U to 1 and every point in X \setminus U to 0. Taking the product of these maps we obtain a continuous map
By construction the map f : X \to Y is spectral. By Lemma 5.23.3 the image of f is closed in the constructible topology. If x', x \in X are distinct, then since X is sober either x' is not a specialization of x or conversely. In either case (as the quasi-compact opens form a basis for the topology of X) there exists a quasi-compact open U \subset X such that f_ U(x') \not= f_ U(x). Thus f is injective. Let Y = f(X) endowed with the induced topology. Let y' \leadsto y be a specialization in Y and say f(x') = y' and f(x) = y. Arguing as above we see that x' \leadsto x, since otherwise there is a U such that x \in U and x' \not\in U, which would imply f_ U(x') \not\leadsto f_ U(x). We conclude that f : X \to Y is a homeomorphism by Lemma 5.23.11. \square
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