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110.4 Non-quasi-compact inverse limit of quasi-compact spaces

Let \mathbf{N} denote the set of natural numbers. For every integer n, let I_ n denote the set of all natural numbers > n. Define T_ n to be the unique topology on \mathbf{N} with basis \{ 1\} , \ldots , \{ n\} , I_ n. Denote by X_ n the topological space (\mathbf{N}, T_ n). For each m < n, the identity map,

f_{n, m} : X_ n \longrightarrow X_ m

is continuous. Obviously for m < n < p, the composition f_{p, n} \circ f_{n, m} equals f_{p, m}. So ((X_ n), (f_{n,m})) is a directed inverse system of quasi-compact topological spaces.

Let T be the discrete topology on \mathbf{N}, and let X be (\mathbf{N}, T). Then for every integer n, the identity map,

f_ n : X \longrightarrow X_ n

is continuous. We claim that this is the inverse limit of the directed system above. Let (Y, S) be any topological space. For every integer n, let

g_ n : (Y, S) \longrightarrow (\mathbf{N}, T_ n)

be a continuous map. Assume that for every m < n we have f_{n,m} \circ g_ n = g_ m, i.e., the system (g_ n) is compatible with the directed system above. In particular, all of the set maps g_ n are equal to a common set map

g : Y \longrightarrow \mathbf{N}.

Moreover, for every integer n, since \{ n\} is open in X_ n, also g^{-1}(\{ n\} ) = g_ n^{-1}(\{ n\} ) is open in Y. Therefore the set map g is continuous for the topology S on Y and the topology T on \mathbf{N}. Thus (X, (f_ n)) is the inverse limit of the directed system above.

However, clearly X is not quasi-compact, since the infinite open covering by singleton sets has no inverse limit.

Lemma 110.4.1. There exists an inverse system of quasi-compact topological spaces over \mathbf{N} whose limit is not quasi-compact.

Proof. See discussion above. \square

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